NBA 2012 Thread

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Haha! Well, let the record show that I was a fan of Wade and the Heat long before LeBron and Bosh showed up. LeBron's arrival dampened my spirits somewhat...but he can make up for it by contributing to a championship. :D
Hewson said:
As tough as that loss is to stomach, nothing was tougher than listening to that broad in the crowd scream every time siomething good happened for Miami.


Also how does this Doris Burke woman have a job? She is fucking awful
Haha! Well, let the record show that I was a fan of Wade and the Heat long before LeBron and Bosh showed up. LeBron's arrival dampened my spirits somewhat...but he can make up for it by contributing to a championship. :D

His attitude as of recent has me excited. I hope they win, and I hope that then and only then can LeBron speak and silence his oppositions.
Yeah but the Celtics are the good guys... so them refusing to shake hands is the equivalent to refusing to negotiate with terrorists.
Having just watched a clip of the "Welcome Party" for LeBron and Bosh, yeah I can see why people hate them. That's self-indulgence that Kanye would feel uncomfortable about.
Yo, Rondo and KG refused to shake hands after the game?

Imagine if Wade did that? (maybe he did before, I don't remember)

Wow. I like KG too..but fuck that. :down: :down:

LeBron did do this a few years back, I think after the loss to the Magic in the EC Finals, and he received copious amounts of hell for it. I personally have never understood why there is so much tolerance for Garnett. Great player, but he is also a titanic asshole who somehow gets away in the media with being "passionate."
Garnett has gotten away with it for so long because his teammates have loved him so much. When they constantly bombard the media with quotes about how great he is in the locker room, they frame the narrative in that way.
I won't lie, I like(d) the guy. "What they gon say now" is probably one of my most favorite sports quotes ever...Rondo is in fact a supreme dickhead, but whatever, I recognize he's a good player. This current lineup has converted me from hating the Celtics to actually rooting for them in years past.

But that's a fuckin dick move. I frequent a basketball site that some of you might be on and there was quite a bit of chatter about how shaking hands at the end isn't required, it's gay, it's for sissies, pussies, whatever...

I say fuck that. You lose, you shake your opponent's hand congratulate him on a great tournament and exit gracefully. Hell, we do it for hockey, and we're out there literally pounding the shit outta each other. Seriously, when it's over, it's over. The winner deserves the props and the loser should exit with grace and class.
I can understand avoiding a handshake with a specific player. If I recall correctly, Marty Brodeur refused to shake Sean Avery's hand way back when... or at least if he didnt refuse, he should've.
So do we have any predictions for the series? I'm thinking OKC in 6. I think they are too deep and too strong in the clutch for Miami to handle.
I just want Miami to lose. Not sure if that's gonna happen though.

Exactly. The only way I'd waver on that is if it was Miami/LA, but luckily we haven't realized that nightmare yet.
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