NBA 2012 Thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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all it's missing is "rawlings"
I'm no Knicks fan, but I'm glad to see them refusing to die.
It's amazing that he basically said all of the wrong things possible in that press conference, yet he was still endearing. He was the best, the greatest enigma of them all.
I wonder if I'm the only one who doesn't give two shits about this until it reaches the finals... this whole season has been pretty easy to ignore from the start.
LuckyNumber7 said:
I wonder if I'm the only one who doesn't give two shits about this until it reaches the finals... this whole season has been pretty easy to ignore from the start.

My team made the second round. I think that proves the irrelevancy of the first round.
Heaven forbid he be a realist rather than a sunshine pumper. I'd be saying the same thing had the listless Mavericks advanced.
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