"my Friend"

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Oct 2, 2000
even NJ loves NY
i have a Friend who called on me
invited me to a place
i do not deserve
i did not accept, nor did i refuse
and i forgot the kindness
the gift, lying, waiting
unopened on the doorstep of
my heart
i failed to see what stared
me in the face

my friend forgotten,
the other day,
i tripped over the parcel
as i hurried out the door
into my complex, little world
the bundle fell open
and lying there, beneath my dignity
was a humble invitation
to His dinner

feeling giving on this day
but realizing it was much too late
i finally called on my Friend
what i found broke my heart:
on a lonely, windy hillside
His body hung
peirced and parched
over the blood-stained earth
dried tears upon His lifeless face

in horror, i knelt at His feet to pray
selfishly hoping He might forgive me
as i crawled on my knees
face in the dirt
i noticed a forgotten slip of paper
my eyes blankly scanned it
and suddenly it said:
"This is for you,
With love, my friend"

crap poetry, I know, but it means a lot to me...

A vampire or a victim
It depends on who's around...
this poem flows so well BabyGrace, and yet the tone is so foreboding and heavy, the lines just sucked me in like a vacuum...

and it should mean a lot to you, you are a stunningly good poet, in fact, you are one of my favourite poets

p.s. good luck on those exams
Thanks Wanderer, I'm glad you liked it...it didn't turn out the way I wanted it

No, I don't write very good poetry, when I do it's usually by accident. But at least I say what I mean...
I'm off to study now 'cause I keep avoiding it...

I spend my whole time running
He spends His running after me...
I love this poem, BabyGrace. You really are too modest, but your humility is refreshing.

**Still looking for the
face I had before the
world was made....**

**Work like you don't
need money, love like
you've never been hurt,
and dance like no
one's watching.**
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