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u2bonogirl said:
And teach all the adeqate lessons on the body, and how it all works, and the methods of birth control and how to use them...stats....etc.

To be honest, provided the above is being taught and provided there are no utterly crackpot ideas (ie if you have sex outside of marriage you'll go to hell!) being taught, I wouldn't have any major problem with the sort of sex education programme you describe. I think the main point is that sex education should be about enabling people to make their own informed and responsible decisions, not about enforcing someone else's morality on them or placing them at unnecessary risk through failing to provide vital information about preventing pregnancy or STIs.
BonoVoxSupastar said:

We start talking about the Uganda program about halfway down this page. The information is hugely misrepresented. AIDS&pagenumber=3

Thanks for the links. On the 1st one, I hope they address that and get enough condoms for the populace. On the 2nd one, I don't think that it's an endictment of the policy. Fewer partners is a good thing and condoms were available.

My argument has always been that people give up on people too soon and don't encourage good behavior.

Gotta go :wave: Had fun playing with you all today :)
starsforu2 said:

My argument has always been that people give up on people too soon and don't encourage good behavior.

I don't find that to be true. I haven't found anyone that supports sex ed to have given up on young people, I haven't found one that doesn't support the idea of encouraging adolescents to wait at least till they are emotional ready. I do believe there are those that will twist the perception of sex ed supporter into that of heathens that just think anything should go...
BonoVoxSupastar said:


You don't know what has caused so many pregnancies? Probably unprotected sex...just a guess. Unless we have someone performing experiments.

Now you launch a sex ed program? Little late, and coming from someone who doesn't know how they occured may be a problem...

I laughed really hard at your first sentence. I could just see school officials scratching their heads over this.... :rolleyes:

Sadly, Ohio is one of those states with a strong "stick your head in the sand and the problem disappears" attitude when it comes to teenagers and sex. And when kids (really anyone) learn on their own there are going to be more mistakes. Unwanted pregnancy is just one of the consequenses of those mistakes.
u2bonogirl said:

I'm not saying that educating will lead to higher rates. Im saying that a 13 or 14 year old boy or girl is more likely to go have sex if they have a condom.

Is there actually a study supporting such a correlation?

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