Murderkill River, Delaware Superthread

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I burnt Britt a disc of U2 music she thinks she might like. She's gonna listen to it tomorrow
There we go, caught up on what uni made me miss.

And hey Ian! :wave:
Fairly dull day at university. Struggled to stay awake much of the time. U-Wen and I saw this interesting band at lunch. Think New Orleans kind of music colliding with somewhat Westernised Nigerian music ... played by the whitest people in Melbourne, including a vocalist almost certainly on weed who somehow was able to sing like a black guy.

They were surprisingly good for what they were, actually.
So, how's everybody here?

It looks like I may actually have a productive evening, uni work wise ... :uhoh:
Bored, but what else is new....

I might be in for some of tonight, I'm not sure, I have to make a phone call, and I'm feeling tired!

Fuck telephones. I need to make a call to a hospital to book an appointment and I know it'll probably result in spending ten years on hold ...
It's ridiculous just how much I prefer e-mail or, well, anything else to having to use the telephone.
I reckon, for the most part unless I'm calling My Girlfriend or family, friends ect, I'd rather do something else, plus I'm shizenhouzen on the phone!
Holy shit, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn died.

Guess that means I'll be reading the Gulag Archipelago once I'm done with the book I'm currently reading.
And Who was this person? :reject:

One of the most famous of all Russian authors. His work The Gulag Archipelago exposed in immense detail (from his own firsthand experience of being sent there as a political prisoner) the gulag system of prison camps throughout the Soviet Union. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature for it.
Have you guys tried Google Street Maps?.....its so much fun, I've seen my car parked at my grandparents place :laugh:


I often use Google Maps satellite view to explore New Zealand, but I haven't tried the street level view.
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