Murderkill River, Delaware Superthread

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I haven't listened to this song in a long was a definite favorite of mine when I first heard the album. I think Bono has actually been quoted as saying that it's one of his favorites, too...

Promised Land or Factory?
What do you think about Factory?

It's a nice little song but definitely one of the least memorable on the album. I still like it, though.
What do you think about Factory?

It's a nice little song but definitely one of the least memorable on the album. I still like it, though.

I think...Factory is a decent lyric, but musically it sounds a LOT like a lot of other songs, especially stuff on the River.
We didn't even have a great turnout in week one!

I was amused that one of my lectures that, by sheer enrolment, is meant to be "overfull" actually only filled about two thirds of its theatre.

Beats a course I had once that really was overfull, in a theatre without air conditioning on a day when the temperature hit 41C. I nearly died.
Gah, Firefox died on me....

chinaaa all the way to new yoooork
maybe you got lost in mexxiico
you're right next to me
i think that you can hear me
funny how the distance
learns to grow

sometimes i think
you want me to touch you
how can i when you build
a great wall around you

i can feel the distance
i can feel the distance
i can feel the distance getting clooooooose
Look I'm standing naked before you
Don't you want more than my sex?
I can scream as loud as your last one
But I can't claim innocence

Oh god, could it be the weather
Oh god, why am I here
If love isn't forever
And it's not the weather
Hand me my leather
I was amused that one of my lectures that, by sheer enrolment, is meant to be "overfull" actually only filled about two thirds of its theatre.

Beats a course I had once that really was overfull, in a theatre without air conditioning on a day when the temperature hit 41C. I nearly died.

This paper has both lecture theatres booked, which is about 330 seats in total. Sure, that's about the total number of people doing the entire course, so they won't all be taking this paper....but fuck. I've had tutorials with 25 people.
Streets of Fire is another one I haven't heard in a long time.

I, personally, am just excited to hear Prove It All Night. That is such an awesome song.

Prove it all night gets another :drool: from me.
Look I'm standing naked before you
Don't you want more than my sex?
I can scream as loud as your last one
But I can't claim innocence

Oh god, could it be the weather
Oh god, why am I here
If love isn't forever
And it's not the weather
Hand me my leather

Again I ask, BRUCE WAS WORSE?!
"A hole opens sometimes that I fall through a bit like the madhatter. I guess where memories coughing in loose molecules come and chase me around for a while. I felt like I had lived 20 different lifetimes from birth through death during the writing of this song. When I looked up from the piano and at the clock, thinking I was late for someone, it had only been 8 minutes."
-- Tori; Little Earthquakes Songbook (On Leather)
Streets of Fire is another one I haven't heard in a long time.

I, personally, am just excited to hear Prove It All Night. That is such an awesome song.

Prove it all night gets another :drool: from me.

Seriously, that's all I'm thinking of through Factory and Streets of Fire "Prove It All Night is next :hyper:"
My problem with a lot of Bruce songs, Factory and Streets of Fire included (and most of The River) is his tendency to just repeat the name of the song over and over and over and over and over again. That's just one of my biggest pet peeves as far as music's concerned. #1 reason I rarely listen to The River
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