Mr. Robot

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Blue Crack Supplier
Nov 18, 2004
Los Angeles, California
Is anyone watching this? Terrible title, intriguing show.

Fans of the short-lived AMC show Rubicon (I am one) will definitely find something to like here. It combines that show's conspiracy theory vibe with a focus on hacking, and then there's a whole lot of Fight Club's Smash The System ethos being spouted. It's surprisingly antiestablishment, though many condescending critics have poked fun at this aspect of the show.

One caveat: I think the lead actor, Rami Malek, is almost totally lacking in charisma, and while the character is meant to be emotionally shut-off, I don't find him very engaging. Luckily, he has a good supporting cast.

6 episodes in and it hasn't flagged yet. I preferred the slow-burn and analog style of Rubicon, but this is a respectable variation.
It's another great show...I wish they would stop making them so I could actually leave the house. :sad:
Been recording it - trying to keep up. Corianderstem mentioned watching it so I checked it out.

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Parts of this show feel very derivative to me, but it stands out on TV right now. I think the icy protagonist is perfect and the actor nails the role. I love Darlene's character too. fsociety in general has some of the best characters on the show. I also think it's really cool how new characters are introduced to us through information that Elliot hacked.

The Anonymous parodies are so fucking cheesy though. Sometimes this show feels like a Fight Club/Matrix/V For Vendetta crossover fan fiction.

EDIT: Just finished episode 4 and it was my favorite so far, which has pretty much been the case of every episode up until this point, so I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the season.
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Yeah, it gets better with each episode. The most derivative aspect is clearly the's reminiscent of a certain show that I won't even mention in fear of triggering flashbacks for people around here of its pointless later seasons and always horrendous subplots.
Alright, I'm all caught up. The last couple of episodes were very good. Some very noticeable character development happening with Elliot.
Is anyone watching this? Terrible title, intriguing show.

You know, the whole time I've watched this show, I've been thinking to myself "why is it called 'Mr. Robot' when Mr. Robot himself is a minor character compared to Elliot?"

Well, turns out they do share a last name. Or at least I assume Mr. Robot is his father in some capacity. We've been led in the direction of him being a figment of his imagination for so long that the bait and switch really hit hard. If he is a manifestation of a separate personality (doesn't seem to be that way at the moment), the title still works better than I thought it did initially.
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Ive been a little disappointed the last couple of episodes
But with Tyrell standing in for Mr Robot (to the Pixies)
I'm still in, too.

That episode was one hell of a shark jump.

The Pixies musical cue turned the boat around and jumped over it again just for good measure.

Really not into what this show has become. The Fight Club shit, turning another character into a murderer, etc.

I'll watch the season finale for closure's sake but don't think I'll be returning next year.

A real shame after a promising start.
that murder really deflated the series for me
too much CSI these days and security cameras in buildings to think that case would not be closed in 24 hours.
Good point.

My initial thought is that he should have just pushed her off the roof after realizing she was dead.

Might be hard to determine strangulation if you're a pancake on the pavement.
It's not unprecedented - they delayed an episode of Buffy that was about someone at the school wanting to "kill them all", because Columbine had just happened.
This show, I swear. Every episode has some incredible moments (this week it was the adderall montage; breathtaking stuff), but the pacing is so inconsistent that no episode feels like the home run it could be.

Sam Esmail is writing, directing and editing everything now and I don't know, I think he should at least delegate the editing. Someone needs to tell him no, because at least 10 minutes of each episode this season has felt unnecessary. There's another 90 minute time slot booked for next week.
I like it more than I did, the past few episodes have been good, but I rolled my eyes at THE TWIST.

Because I guess there's always a twist with this show. That's what Esmail wants it to be.
I'm a few episodes behind, catching up. I have to say I am impressed. Last season I thought the gimmick would get old, but things moves in many directions. Also, the soundtracks are great, I always adjust my sound for this. Episode 6, just watched last night, bit of a train wreck, but it worked. Credit for the guts to give it that much time. This is not for the casual viewer, ones needs to pay attention to appreciate it.
I paid attention, and was completely disappointed with this season. It felt like it bought into its own hype.
The season was an absolute mess and stumbled badly towards the end, but it was entertaining and boasted some great music and cinematography. There's much worse to watch on television.
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