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Angtre01 said:
ZooTV was the best tour of all time. You people are f-ed! If you never saw it, you missed out. All U2 concerts are great, but the Zoo was filthy...

Now that is an intelligent thought out response! :lol:

You are a prime example of what I talked about in my prior post. Like I said, Zoo was great, but it was not a holy experience like you appear to imply. I enjoyed U2's other tours just as much. In fact, I liked the Joshua Tree and Popmart slightly better than Zoo. :shrug: And NO, I'm not F'ck'd as you so eloquently put.
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xmarcx said:
So nobody but me missed the earnest U2? I find this odd beacuse at the time, I rememebr lots of others feeling as I did/

Again Zoo was awesome, and I appreciate more now than I did then. But its not my favorite U2 tour. That goes to JT.

I'm with you there, except JT's my second favourite tour behind Lovetown. Sure, I understand all the irony and satire of Zoo and all that, bla bla bla, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I don't like who U2 were then, I don't like how restrictive the technology was on their spontaneity, and I hate the absolutely boring and rather poor setlists (besides the fact they never changed, they just weren't very good!). I loved earnest, passionate, sincere U2, I prefer the music they made in the eighties, and I preferred their tours when it was all about the music, not some lighting and visuals display.

ZooTV had a lot I dislike about the tour. Sure, it may have been spectacular and the personas were amusing and all that, but if it's spectacle and irony versus music and sincerity, I will take the latter any day because it pisses all over the former.
Axver Im glad I have a supporter ;)


Im ny warped mind Lovetown was an extension of JT, but yeah Ia gree with your sentiments!
Remember they are gonna release a ZOO TV DVD this year?

Therefore, putting Zoo Station on the setlist makes perfect sense to me!

Can't wait to hear it live again!!!
Axver said:

I loved earnest, passionate, sincere U2, I prefer the music they made in the eighties, and I preferred their tours when it was all about the music, not some lighting and visuals display.

...but if it's spectacle and irony versus music and sincerity, I will take the latter any day because it pisses all over the former.

i see why you like jt and lovetown better, but i would disagree with you one thing. zoo tv did not sacrifice sincerity or music. i can understand your point about the resticted setlists, but u2 have never been about really mixing up the setlists (hoepfully this is abou to change). lovetown is the only exception and that was more a product of playing the same venue mutliple times in a row than anything else.

questioning sincerity is ludicrous with any u2 show. zootv was about making fun of themselves and irony but it was never at the expense of the music.
Axver said:
and I think Crumbs fits better with the Declaration: "where you live should not decide whether you live or whether you die". But it hasn't been rumoured as being rehearsed ...

Thank Yahweh! I like that song's message, but it sure does Miami.
I'll jump into this Zoo TV vs the other tours. Well I can't reall becasue I've only seen them on Popmart and Elevation but in my opinion Popmart was better than the Elevation tour and Zoo TV looks fucking awsome on screen. Nothing I have seen on dvd or vhs seems to compare to the image and sound of the Zoo TV tour. It looks like it was better than either Pomart or Joshua Tree tour but I mean I never saw Zoo or JT in person so.... yeah I'm deprived. lol.
WJ said:
Remember they are gonna release a ZOO TV DVD this year?

Therefore, putting Zoo Station on the setlist makes perfect sense to me!

Can't wait to hear it live again!!!

Is that for real? The Sydney show??!!! Finally I can somewhat experience it. never bothered to buy the VHS becasue I don't have a VCR.

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