more just me complaining, I guess, but...

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New Yorker
Feb 15, 2002
Washington, DC
Ok, so lately things have been sort of strange. I'm unable to study at all and I sleep ALL THE TIME. I thought the ADD studying thing was due to having internet right here at my desk constantly, but turns out even when the internet is down, I'm no better. I'm just SO restless. I look forward to sleeping and I can't even drag myself out of bed before noon - just feel far too exhausted. :eek: I realize this isn't really a confession, more of a complaint (as the subject says) but I just needed a place to vent. I thought it might be a medical thing because I also have these hives that won't go away, but I don't think that's it...I'm just very unsettled and don't really care about anything, which is scary because I'm usually so anal-retentive about everything. :huh: Anyway, thanks for listening. I'll leave you all be now. ;)
Probably adrenal exhausted from all the stress (excess cortisol production), and take Vitamin B complex for the hives. Find something to temper the cortisol and your energy should pick up. The stress also probably makes your sleep of poor quality, meaning that you aren't really getting rested in your sleep, and you'll be tired all day. 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) is great for fixing that.

You sound like me during most of my teenage years. The above was what was wrong with me. Perhaps you should see a doctor.

melon said:
You sound like me during most of my teenage years. The above was what was wrong with me. Perhaps you should see a doctor.
I'm actually 25. :reject: Do I sound like a whining teenager? :eek: Probably...
I'm doing my masters now, and I think I tend to stress extrodinarily without even realizing it, so you are both probably right! Looking at the programme, and what I've been doing, it seems very managable (and it is) but then I think back to how much work I've really been doing (yet somehow managed to stay on interference tons!) and I really have been working a fair amount...and I bring stress upon myself constantly, so...
Anyway, I'll be done mid-september. Exams are over mid-end June. Mock exams Tuesday. I'm actually quite looking forward to the dissertation writing. I'm just ready to be done with exams. :huh:

Thanks for the vitamin B recommendations, etc. I'll check those out!
jkayet said:
I'm actually 25. :reject: Do I sound like a whining teenager? :eek: Probably...

Oh I wasn't implying that you sound like a teenager. In fact, in all reality, you sound like me less than three months ago and I'm 22. :reject:

The_Sweetest_Thing said:
you sound like me now...I've got exams this week (!) and I cannot concentrate on mitosis....

You have to concentrate to make your cells divide?


Good luck on your exams :)
melon said:

Oh I wasn't implying that you sound like a teenager. In fact, in all reality, you sound like me less than three months ago and I'm 22. :reject:

Oh, ok. :D I realized afterwards that maybe you didn't think that, but I'm just so used to people thinking I'm younger, that it was my natural reaction to assume that! :)
Jenn I had the same thing this time last year and even more recently than that.

My conclusion - too much crap on the brain and worrying about things that are out of my control. So I stopped. easier said than done I know.

My thoughts

1. do not worry about exams. if you have done enough preperation - you will do great. Remember there is a point of diminishing returns.
2. Don't kill yourself at work - focus on school for the next few months.
3. get some exercise - it does wonders for the relaxing, sitting still and sleeping bit.
4. Don't worry about what you will do post school - that will work itself out.
5. Maybe look at what you are eating.

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