Monster, The Netherlands Superthread

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Tomorrow :drool: I went through a phase where I'd listen to this on repeat...over and over...still love it, probably my favourite from tihs album...
FUCK YES. Tomorrow. :rockon:

Won't you come back tomorrow?
Won't you come back tomorrow?
Won't you come back tomorrow?
Can I sleep tonight?
Well I'm not sure my sister does a ton of downloading, she's mostly just on myspace and occasionally streaming songs on her friends pages, but even that shouldn't slow me down.

I dunno, torrents are just really slow for me, unless the other computer connected to our internet is turned off.
do you have dsl or cable? cuz for me, i can download at a pretty good speed, but once i upload anything, everything else goes so slow. thanks dsl :mad:
Tomorrow :drool: I went through a phase where I'd listen to this on repeat...over and over...still love it, probably my favourite from tihs album...

I went through a similar phase. I'd probably say I favour Gloria and Rejoice now, but it's a close call.

And I swear, if I get a phone call now like I did during yesterday's listening session and miss the rest of this album again ...! :rant:
This is the second time now I've missed an October listening party :sad: *cues up tomorrow*
i used to like Tomorrow a lot more than I do now, but that doesn't mean I don't still LOVE it :lol:

So I was driving about today, you know, to IHOP, back from IHOP, etc. And I listened to a few songs from Zooropa/Pop/TJT as they came up on shuffle, and you know, I KNOW I listened to them last night, but I can't REMEMBER listening to them :lol: Though I do recall I admitted some sort of love for Do You Feel Loved
My name is Axver the Atheist and I approve Tomorrow's message. :up:

do you have dsl or cable? cuz for me, i can download at a pretty good speed, but once i upload anything, everything else goes so slow. thanks dsl :mad:

Um, I think Its DSL. I keep the upload speed limited to about 10-15 Kb, which is usually fine. I have no idea, even sometimes I have trouble getting torrents to connect when the other computer is connected.

Are there any other good torrent sites out there besides your normal Mini Nova and ISO hunt and Pirate bay, maybe its a tracker issue.....
October, the song, is pretty overrated (although still good) and really should be placed BEFORE Tomorrow, not AFTER it. It's fucking weird having it between the rockin' end of Tomorrow and With A Shout.
With a SHOUT!

Definitely an underrated track. Larry and Edge really star here.
Um, I think Its DSL. I keep the upload speed limited to about 10-15 Kb, which is usually fine. I have no idea, even sometimes I have trouble getting torrents to connect when the other computer is connected.

Are there any other good torrent sites out there besides your normal Mini Nova and ISO hunt and Pirate bay, maybe its a tracker issue.....
:hmm: i have dsl, and my download/upload speed is 6 mb/512 kb. though i can't recommend any good torrent site because my isp blocks them :mad: i just use google blogsearch to find any albums i want.
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