MERGED--> Pat Robertson Warns of Disaster...

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Any god who would talk to Pat Robertson other than to say "Pat, shut the fuck up you nutjob" isn't worth squat.
False Prophet Pat Robertson predicts millions dead in terrorist attack in late 2007!!

Well he's at it again...the false prophet Pat Robertson has said that God told him that there will be a massive terrorist attack upon the United States in late 2007. Now don't get me wrong, there is a chance that could quite possibly happen - you never know these days. But Roberston comes off as if God speaks directly to him and only to him - this man is as close as it gets to what Jesus spoke of as "False Prophets". It's almost like he wants it to happen to further his dominionist theology. The attack happens, marshall law is declared and Bush installs a theocratic regime. Yikes.
MrsSpringsteen said:

Even though the U.S. was not hit with a tsunami, Robertson on Tuesday cited last spring's heavy rains and flooding in New England as partly fulfilling the prediction.

Doesn't he know that closeys only count in horseshoes and hand grenades? :shame:
Don't the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) say something about stoning a prophet who makes even one prophetic statement that doesn't come true? I'm not advocating stoning or death in any way but showing the standard that God places on people speaking in his name. I'm pretty sure this violates the commandment about not using the Lord's name in vain as well. I'd love to have a 1 on 1 conversation with Mr. Robertson just to figure out what he thinks he's accomplishing with this kind of nonsense.
Pat Robertson is a disaster. His infamous speech at the 1992 Republican Convention did alot to sink Bush I's re-election bid. Not to say that election outcome was a disaster--in my book it was not--but Robertson's not good for the people he thinks he's helping.
Wait a sec - didn't he make his prediction while the New England storms were going on???!?

Hey guys, God talked to me the other night and let me in on a big secret - it's going to be cold in 2007. Just because it will only happen six months of the year means my prophecy still will partially come true! Praise God! Now send me cash and I'll send you my new protein shake; you'll be able to bench press 3000 pounds just like me!! This hack stole the formula, though...


PS: Verte and MrsS, that was Pat Buchanan at the '92 RNC, not Pat Robertson:
verte76 said:
Pat Robertson is a disaster. His infamous speech at the 1992 Republican Convention did alot to sink Bush I's re-election bid. Not to say that election outcome was a disaster--in my book it was not--but Robertson's not good for the people he thinks he's helping.

I'm sure Robertson didn't "help" Bush 1's re-election chances but the real cause of Bush losing the election is one man and one man only...ROSS PEROT. I think Perot recieved 19 million votes...most of which were from people who would have voted for Bush. Thank you Ross Perot.
MrsSpringsteen said:

"I have a relatively good track record," he said. "Sometimes I miss."

This little quote of Robertson's pretty much says it all.

I thought GOD was speaking? Whaddya mean you mean "sometimes I miss."

What utter BS.
False prophets everywhere U look....

Pat Robertson

Jerry Falwell

Benny Hinn



I curious clicked on this link to see how this could have possiblly turned into 5 pages of "discussion".

I was pleased to see that it was simply a hundred posts reiterating over and over again how crazy this guy is. Whew, that's a relief.

MadelynIris said:
I curious clicked on this link to see how this could have possiblly turned into 5 pages of "discussion".

I was pleased to see that it was simply a hundred posts reiterating over and over again how crazy this guy is. Whew, that's a relief.


Did you add to the discussion at all?
Did you add to the discussion at all?

Yeah. Here it is.

"Boy, is this guy crazy!" *cheesy twinkle coming from my teeth as a smile and dimple*

Could he be any crazier? I don't think so, until he tells us some other crazy prediction. Do you think he'll do that? He must be REALLY CRAZY!

Crazy guy.

Pat Robertson leg pressing 2,000 pounds!

Shame on all of you.

How can you doubt this righteous man?

The Bible is full of the Lord's servants doing extraordinary things.

We have Samson, slaying thousands with the jawbone of an ass!!

We have David killing (the GIANT) Goliath with a pebble.

These righteous individuals did super feats and were accepted as God's anointed ones.

Now we have Pat Robertson, in his senior years, pressing 2000 pounds!!!

Surely the Lord is with him.
Where did u find that pic. Wow!

Deep, you say,
These righteous individuals did super feats and were accepted as God's anointed ones

But the idea was that they as humans didn't perform these feats, and God accepted them, the idea was that God caused those things to happen by annointing them.

Which again, is why everyone freaks out about Yaweh. We're not into that whole, "God putting a cap in your ass" thing. But it's cool in our music videos.
MadelynIris said:

Deep, you say, .

But the idea was that they as humans didn't perform these feats,

David and Samson (supposedly) did the things I wrote and more, and this was proof the Lord was with them.

Pat Robertson like Samson has extraordinary strength.

Should David and Samson have been dismissed when they had things to say?

So how can we so quickly dismiss Robertson? The Bible is full of righteous individuals that the public ridiculed and dismissed.
deep said:

David and Samson (supposedly) did the things I wrote and more, and this was proof the Lord was with them.

Pat Robertson like Samson has extraordinary strength.

Should David and Samson have been dismissed when they had things to say?

No, he can't leg press 2000 pounds.
Robertson claims on his web site that through training and his "Age-Defying energy shake", he is able to leg press 2,000 pounds while others claim he is a liar, pushing a common energy formula. 2,000 pounds would be an exceptional accomplishment for a world-class athlete, to say nothing of a 76-year-old man like Robertson. For comparative purposes, when Dan Kendra set the Florida State University record of 1,335 pounds, the leg press machine required extensive modifications to hold the proper amount of weight, and the capillaries in both of Kendra's eyes burst during his successful attempt. Thus, Robertson's claimed achievement would add 665 pounds to the best-ever total of Kendra, a top athlete in his physical prime, who would go on to play professional football in the National Football League and become a Navy SEAL.

In response to the skepticism of this claim, Robertson's website has claimed that his doctor is able to leg press 2,700 pounds, and that "It is not nearly as hard as the authors of these reports make it out to be."

A video has also been provided supposedly demonstrating Robertson doing several reps with a weight of 1,000. In the video Pat Robertson is seen using a 45 degree sled type leg press machine, which reduces the effective weight to 707 lbs (sin(45°) x 1000 lbs). He keeps the safety locks in place at the second step which severely limits the range of possible motion. The seat is positioned to allow approximately six inches of travel after the lock. This setup gives Pat Robertson the maximum mechanical advantage at the last few inches of travel. This is generally regarded to be improper leg press technique, and is significantly easier than a proper leg press. The proper technique is to load the weight, place hands on the release levers and then to press the weight from the stops and then to rotate the stops out. Then, the weight is allowed to slide down until the hip and knee joints are at significant flexion. At this point, the person executing the leg press has minimal mechanical advantage and can press the least amount of weight. In the video, Robertson also uses his arms to push on his thighs, which is also regarded as improper technique.
MadelynIris said:

Yeah. Here it is.

"Boy, is this guy crazy!" *cheesy twinkle coming from my teeth as a smile and dimple*

Could he be any crazier? I don't think so, until he tells us some other crazy prediction. Do you think he'll do that? He must be REALLY CRAZY!

Crazy guy.

So you're just here to add...?
Nostradamus predicted that Bush would be assassinated in 2007. I dont actually buy that prediction, nor many of the quatrains, but anyway.

Predicting anything is a strange business.

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