Martha will understand my pain.....

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Mar 21, 2002
The Kitchen
This has been bugging the feck out of me and hurting to.

I gave myself a pedicure last night (as I mentioned in another post) and I guess I must have clipped my right baby toenail too short and the nail has kinda split a wee tiny bit at the quick today. It was hurting after I did some practice bowling at lunch. Got a new ball and had to learn to use it. Well I am wearing sandels and noticed the toe was hurting and notice what happend upon futher examanation. It hurts. :sad:
i really suck at bowling.

at first i thought you meant martha stewart and i thought this was going to be some confession about insider trading.

sorry your toe hurts. that blows eugene. pedicures can be hazardous to your health.

I am going to have to tape it or something or it is just going to get worse. :sad:

I am such a baby about the oddest things. :scream:
That sucks, gheto! :hug:

If it makes you feel any better, one time my dad was touring a factory and some extremely heavy object fell on his big toe. The nail turned black and then completely fell off. It was not pretty.
one time, in the summer, i was playing soccer in my sandals, and i kicked the ball, and my big toe started bleeding under the nail and it really hurt and yeah... :( it wasn't fun.
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martha said:


Put some Neosporin on it and that will help. It'll heal faster, and it won't get icky.

Next time pay a pro. It usually is pretty cheap. :cool:

That is a good idea.

I usually do a really good job myself but have been having it done by the lady who does my hands (and waxing) but I was just looking at my feet yesterday and they just looked in disaray(sp?). I was also half watching TV and not minding to my little digits. Serves me right I guess.
Originally posted by ghetofabu
(and waxing)

Here's a little side note for ya: Since my surgery, I've noticed that my big toes are super hairy, and they never were before. My other doc says that's due to increased blood flow to the area, and it's a good thing. Now I'm gonna have to have my toes waxed!!!! :tongue: :eeklaugh:
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