Magnificent delivered to the radio

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When you throw off the album release completely, this tends to happen... promotional schedules, tours, singles, everything gets a bit bolloxed. They are really shooting themselves in the foot in terms of album sales. Sure, NLOTH has been relatively successful, but can you imagine how successful it would have been if the album had been released on time and they were starting the US tour now?
did they create a whole new problem while trying to avoid a "pop" fiasco?
Heard it on Radio (first time to me but did hear/watch it on the BBC night) - love it, absolutely love it, sounds great as album version, and I fecking HOPE, this song, reaches HIGH in the charts because its definately got that 'U2' sound :up:
Disc 2 cover. Confirmed.


robin williams has crabs.
I heard the version aired on Zane Lowe and it was completely stripped of the wonderful originality of the rhythm section. It's all about The Edge. Very dull. They should have already "danced up" the album version, in my opinion.
Isn't it strange that the music company made it megahit 3 weeks ago on the Dutch main radiostation? That was every hour magnificient on the radio for a full week. Now there is a big silence, Magnificient does not appear in the charts before May 11 is strange promotion isn't it?
Huh. I'll have to listen to the edit again. To my ears, they snip the intro, some instrumental sections, and halve Edge's solo. Maybe the outro is cut a bit. Are you guys saying the mix is radically different?
Isn't it strange that the music company made it megahit 3 weeks ago on the Dutch main radiostation? That was every hour magnificient on the radio for a full week. Now there is a big silence, Magnificient does not appear in the charts before May 11 is strange promotion isn't it?

On 3FM it's in the Mega top 50 at no. 11. I really think they could've scored a no. 1 with this, now it's too late.
I heard the version aired on Zane Lowe and it was completely stripped of the wonderful originality of the rhythm section.
Is it anything like what was done with the international version of Walk On?

I.e. It was completely raped of "U2 signature sound"
I think it will be a #1 hit in America, it's that good and it crosses over!
Unfortunately I think it has hit its resistance point in North America and will not be a crossover hit. I suspect the only thing that could change that is a solid video which includes live footage, television or movie tie-ins and a very strong remix. In my opinion, it would have been a big hit if it was the lead off single.

That said, who really cares. It is a great song and will be excellent live.
Huh. I'll have to listen to the edit again. To my ears, they snip the intro, some instrumental sections, and halve Edge's solo. Maybe the outro is cut a bit. Are you guys saying the mix is radically different?

They have been playing it on radio 2 across here,and edges complete solo is there.
It's an odd release, personally, as regards the tracklisting... I own the Sommerville gig from and have the Justice Mix of Boots and now have all 5 Mag Remixes... and there's still the infamous "TBC song", which I think is the video hence the delay in naming it... so every song from the various formats is available in high bitrate MP3 even before it's been released..

I know for an album it may be different for hardcore fans but I wonder does that aspect above affect your immediate "must buy" decision regarding the 3 single formats? ie. already owning all the songs before an official single release...
they must just want to suprise everyone on tour (except us, of course) with all of these great songs that people have never heard before.

Really the promotion for this album is totally FUBAR, the first single was a clusterfuck, and the lack of promotion of Magnificent is beyond understanding. There's some really good music on NLOTH, but at this rate im wondering if it will ever be heard. I guess IGCIIDGCT might be a hit, but Magnificent should have been fucking gold.
I heard IGCIIDGCT on the radio for the first time today, I was surprised since we still don't even have Magnificent really out yet. says there's another delay, 22. May (in Germany presumably) still start of May for rest of Europe. Same tracklisting.
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