Loveladies, New Jersey Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Movies always influence how I make my lists, it's just the way it is. I'll never fault someone for doing the same thing, but yeah, someone's gonna bitch about something. If it's in a constructive manner, then I'll always welcome it, but if it's in the "HEY, YOU SUCK!" away, then fuck 'em.

I hope this bullshit doesn't discourage you from entering, since people have been and are being alienating from the contest already.

I'm still going to enter, I just enter knowing I'll lose these days
I think, after we finish this thread, it should be locked, bolted, hidden, never to be seen, read, or heard from, ever. EVER. AGAIN.

Let's just submit our lists and LET THE VOTERS DECIDE!!!
Points Screwtape Has Yet to Address:

- Why these artists are not real, when the only requirement the rules lay out only call for a song posted on a Myspace.
- Why these artists are not real, when there is a creative force behind them in the same way that other artists are involved in multiple projects.
- Why his opinion is worth more than the person who wrote it (without alluding to some ridiculous accusation of ulterior motive).

More to come.

I answered the first question.

As I said they are works of fiction. It is just LemonMelon.

I don't see why I can't suggest an ulterior motive. :shrug:
I answered the first question.

As I said they are works of fiction. It is just LemonMelon.

I don't see why I can't suggest an ulterior motive. :shrug:

But here's the thing

ElMel has gladly said he would use the list as a NotAxver sort of list

He's going in expecting to lose from the soudns of it

He just wants an ability to lighten the air

I don't really see the harm
I wish to thank Pfan for his masochistic tendencies, spending his time compiling a strong case for me. :up:
I hoped I would be able to just pick up on context clues, but screw it


Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Administration. It's the bus and train system in the Greater Philadelphia area. NSW had to use it when he was in Philly this past weekend. He thinks it sounds like something from GI Joe, so we've been imagining his trip as an epic battle with the SEPTA unit.
Ok, so I've read all of this finally.

I think this whole thing with LemonMelon has been misinterpreted a bit. Perhaps calling it a Fake List didn't help, because in reality, it wouldn't be fake. It would be a real piece of music, a real form of art. So first and foremost, I would stop calling it fake, because it's not.

Now if you all understand that this music LM is doing is actually real, and will be something officially posted by LM to the public in some fashion, such as MySpace, that is within the rules, and has been clearly communicated many times in the past.

I think the gray area here is the use of different names. Again, I would stop referring to them as "fake names" - if an artist decides to call himself something else, and release it under that name in some fashion, IT IS REAL. It's called having an alias, and is done in the music world all the time. Moby has released an album under a name called Voodoo Child - it's a different name, but make no mistake, it's all Moby. However, if I wanted to use a track by Moby and one by Voodoo Child, I can. It is allowed. And as someone else already mentioned, Tom Morello goes by an alias called The Nightwatchman. If Morello ever releases something in his own name, it would still be a separate entry from The Nightwatchman, even if both are the same person. And if someone wished to use both in Desert Island, they could, because it's within the rules of the competition.

So to cut to the chase, if LM wishes to include his own music, and has created different aliases for different tracks, he is within the rules of the competition. It is allowed. Plain and simple - there's really no argument over this.

I'd also like to make another comment. With Desert Island, although we do have certain rules (one artist at a time, official releases only), I want to remind everyone that you can use whatever music you want, and you can create it any way you want. It doesn't have to be a concept piece, it doesn't have to have all indie tunes only, it can be chock full of #1 hit singles, it can be anything. It is within the rules. And if you want to create a concept or theme for it, you can do that, too. The whole object of the game is to create something that works best for YOU - not for me, not for Axver (even though you'll get a punishing review most of the time, but don't mind that - he's always like that), and not for anyone else. But keep in mind, people will vote for you based on their interpretations as well. You may not agree with it, you might think it is complete bullshit, but how someone else sees your art will not always align with your thinking. Keep that in mind.

We're supposed to have fun with this people. It's a way to share music and explore how different types of artists and genres look in a different light when mixed together, and to see how others come up with something totally different to you. You may not like what others do, and sure, be prepared for some good natured ribbing if it is an artist a lot of people don't care for, but don't take it so seriously. It's a game, it's music, and it's supposed to be just good, fun entertainment.
You watch your mouth.

SEPTA is the transit system down near Philly. I had to ride that shit to see my best friend. I was in P-Fan's neck of the woods, he's lucky he'd not dead.

I'm...sorry...something in the air tonight has come over me, and I lost my's back now.
Ok, so I've read all of this finally.

I think this whole thing with LemonMelon has been misinterpreted a bit. Perhaps calling it a Fake List didn't help, because in reality, it wouldn't be fake. It would be a real piece of music, a real form of art. So first and foremost, I would stop calling it fake, because it's not.

Now if you all understand that this music LM is doing is actually real, and will be something officially posted by LM to the public in some fashion, such as MySpace, that is within the rules, and has been clearly communicated many times in the past.

I think the gray area here is the use of different names. Again, I would stop referring to them as "fake names" - if an artist decides to call himself something else, and release it under that name in some fashion, IT IS REAL. It's called having an alias, and is done in the music world all the time. Moby has released an album under a name called Voodoo Child - it's a different name, but make no mistake, it's all Moby. However, if I wanted to use a track by Moby and one by Voodoo Child, I can. It is allowed. And as someone else already mentioned, Tom Morello goes by an alias called The Nightwatchman. If Morello ever releases something in his own name, it would still be a separate entry from The Nightwatchman, even if both are the same person. And if someone wished to use both in Desert Island, they could, because it's within the rules of the competition.

So to cut to the chase, if LM wishes to include his own music, and has created different aliases for different tracks, he is within the rules of the competition. It is allowed. Plain and simple - there's really no argument over this.

I'd also like to make another comment. With Desert Island, although we do have certain rules (one artist at a time, official releases only), I want to remind everyone that you can use whatever music you want, and you can create it any way you want. It doesn't have to be a concept piece, it doesn't have to have all indie tunes only, it can be chock full of #1 hit singles, it can be anything. It is within the rules. And if you want to create a concept or theme for it, you can do that, too. The whole object of the game is to create something that works best for YOU - not for me, not for Axver (even though you'll get a punishing review most of the time, but don't mind that - he's always like that), and not for anyone else. But keep in mind, people will vote for you based on their interpretations as well. You many not agree with it, you might think it is complete bullshit, but how someone else sees your art will not always align with your thinking. Keep that in mind.

We're supposed to have fun with this people. It's a way to share music and explore how different types of artists and genres look in a different light when mixed together, and to see how others come up with something totally different to you. You may not like what others do, and sure, be prepared for some good natured ribbing if it is an artist a lot of people don't care for, but don't take it so seriously. It's a game, it's music, and it's supposed to be just good, fun entertainment.

Fun fact: Radiohead's House of Cards shuffled up while I was reading this.
Ok, so I've read all of this finally.

I think this whole thing with LemonMelon has been misinterpreted a bit. Perhaps calling it a Fake List didn't help, because in reality, it wouldn't be fake. It would be a real piece of music, a real form of art. So first and foremost, I would stop calling it fake, because it's not.

Now if you all understand that this music LM is doing is actually real, and will be something officially posted by LM to the public in some fashion, such as MySpace, that is within the rules, and has been clearly communicated many times in the past.

I think the gray area here is the use of different names. Again, I would stop referring to them as "fake names" - if an artist decides to call himself something else, and release it under that name in some fashion, IT IS REAL. It's called having an alias, and is done in the music world all the time. Moby has released an album under a name called Voodoo Child - it's a different name, but make no mistake, it's all Moby. However, if I wanted to use a track by Moby and one by Voodoo Child, I can. It is allowed. And as someone else already mentioned, Tom Morello goes by an alias called The Nightwatchman. If Morello ever releases something in his own name, it would still be a separate entry from The Nightwatchman, even if both are the same person. And if someone wished to use both in Desert Island, they could, because it's within the rules of the competition.

So to cut to the chase, if LM wishes to include his own music, and has created different aliases for different tracks, he is within the rules of the competition. It is allowed. Plain and simple - there's really no argument over this.

I'd also like to make another comment. With Desert Island, although we do have certain rules (one artist at a time, official releases only), I want to remind everyone that you can use whatever music you want, and you can create it any way you want. It doesn't have to be a concept piece, it doesn't have to have all indie tunes only, it can be chock full of #1 hit singles, it can be anything. It is within the rules. And if you want to create a concept or theme for it, you can do that, too. The whole object of the game is to create something that works best for YOU - not for me, not for Axver (even though you'll get a punishing review most of the time, but don't mind that - he's always like that), and not for anyone else. But keep in mind, people will vote for you based on their interpretations as well. You many not agree with it, you might think it is complete bullshit, but how someone else sees your art will not always align with your thinking. Keep that in mind.

We're supposed to have fun with this people. It's a way to share music and explore how different types of artists and genres look in a different light when mixed together, and to see how others come up with something totally different to you. You may not like what others do, and sure, be prepared for some good natured ribbing if it is an artist a lot of people don't care for, but don't take it so seriously. It's a game, it's music, and it's supposed to be just good, fun entertainment.

I'm quoting this just so it could be seen again.
I've also been wanting to say something to you all day.

tyrion lannister = Axver, no?
Ok, so I've read all of this finally.

I think this whole thing with LemonMelon has been misinterpreted a bit. Perhaps calling it a Fake List didn't help, because in reality, it wouldn't be fake. It would be a real piece of music, a real form of art. So first and foremost, I would stop calling it fake, because it's not.

Now if you all understand that this music LM is doing is actually real, and will be something officially posted by LM to the public in some fashion, such as MySpace, that is within the rules, and has been clearly communicated many times in the past.

I think the gray area here is the use of different names. Again, I would stop referring to them as "fake names" - if an artist decides to call himself something else, and release it under that name in some fashion, IT IS REAL. It's called having an alias, and is done in the music world all the time. Moby has released an album under a name called Voodoo Child - it's a different name, but make no mistake, it's all Moby. However, if I wanted to use a track by Moby and one by Voodoo Child, I can. It is allowed. And as someone else already mentioned, Tom Morello goes by an alias called The Nightwatchman. If Morello ever releases something in his own name, it would still be a separate entry from The Nightwatchman, even if both are the same person. And if someone wished to use both in Desert Island, they could, because it's within the rules of the competition.

So to cut to the chase, if LM wishes to include his own music, and has created different aliases for different tracks, he is within the rules of the competition. It is allowed. Plain and simple - there's really no argument over this.

I'd also like to make another comment. With Desert Island, although we do have certain rules (one artist at a time, official releases only), I want to remind everyone that you can use whatever music you want, and you can create it any way you want. It doesn't have to be a concept piece, it doesn't have to have all indie tunes only, it can be chock full of #1 hit singles, it can be anything. It is within the rules. And if you want to create a concept or theme for it, you can do that, too. The whole object of the game is to create something that works best for YOU - not for me, not for Axver (even though you'll get a punishing review most of the time, but don't mind that - he's always like that), and not for anyone else. But keep in mind, people will vote for you based on their interpretations as well. You many not agree with it, you might think it is complete bullshit, but how someone else sees your art will not always align with your thinking. Keep that in mind.

We're supposed to have fun with this people. It's a way to share music and explore how different types of artists and genres look in a different light when mixed together, and to see how others come up with something totally different to you. You may not like what others do, and sure, be prepared for some good natured ribbing if it is an artist a lot of people don't care for, but don't take it so seriously. It's a game, it's music, and it's supposed to be just good, fun entertainment.

Perfect. Thank you.
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