Loveladies, New Jersey Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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PFan, that was an amazing intro, and I love First Breath After Coma, so that's doubly awesome

I have a strong love/hate relationship with Facebook.

It is a poison. A poison that I am dumb enough to drink. Kinda like booze.

I have a strong love/hate relationship with Facebook.

It is a poison. A poison that I am dumb enough to drink. Kinda like booze.

It's love/hate for me in that, I love it during the school year, but I hate it in the summer
I just read the last 15 pages or so :crack:

I'm surprised to not see one of these at all

NSW's list was gold. GOLD JERRY! :heart:

And bono_212 - you must buy Lamb Lies Down On Broadway. No hesitation! I don't want to hear any excuses, got it? :angry: :wink:
Yes ma'am Lila, I will get it ASAP, or if it's on Napster, I Will at the very least LISTEN to it asap
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