Love him so much!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Mar 23, 2004
Underneath the Sky
I'm weird :|
I love Edge so much... I forget he plays guitar :)coocoo: ) and I was listening to "11 O'Clock tick tock" just now, and the guitar just sounds so cool! And I was thinking to myself... omg, that's Edge, isn't it?
:lmao: I'm a crazy little weirdo! Did I even need to make a thread about this? Probably not, but oh well.
I guess when I say I love Edge, it's just lust love isn't it :( ? Cause it's kinda hard to actaully love a guy you've never met huh? Or can I actually love him? OH:mad:! Im confusing myslf! are cracking me up girlie!! You're too cute. You have a CRUSH on Edgie...cause you appreciate his talents and his looks and at the same time he's unnattainable being a rock star and all, meaning the chances of meeting him are hard. It's all good, love. I have a crush on Bono...I love him for the impact he has had on my life, for the ways he's motivated me to do my little part to try and make this world a better place, for his music and for showing me God (dramatic I know, but hey God can work through a rock star! :wink:) So, enjoy yourself TheWho4Lift!!! Enjoy the ride that this band has had us hurteling down for the past 20 years!
Well, I have one MEGA CRUSH on poor Edge :D. It's probably for his own good he doesn't meet me :shifty: Who knows what I would do if I met him... I mean look at what I leugh at when I'm sad :coocoo: Imagine me when I'm so excited I can't beleive soemthin's happening :lmao:
Wow... that DOES make me wonder what i would do :scratch: :hmm:
I NEED TOMEET EDGE SO I KNOW WHAT I WOULD DO :hyper: LOL! OOO in expirement! I like those! :D
Lol, TheWho your scaring me!! j/k From the sounds of it, you'd be overwhelmed if you ran into Edgie....if, no wait scratch that, when I meet Bono I'm probably going to be speechless (something that never happens with me) or say something really dumb like, "Do you know who you are?! You're Bono!" Good greif.... :ohmy:
I love The Edge too (but not in a sexual way :wink: ), I really want to be like him cause I'm already a lot like him. He's a great role model, awesome personality, very talented, loving person and funny. I love 'em all really! All of them got a lot of interesting things on them that I admire! :up:
MM yes, but... I love Edge much too much :D
What am I even talkin about? I don't think I even responded to either of your guys' posts... :eyebrow:
Something's wrong.
You're about as nuts about Edge as I am about John Edwards. I notice these cooky, cute things about him and then go nuts. I sometimes forget that he's a politician.....:huh: The thing is I HAVE met him (same with pax!), which only fuels my insanity because i know how frickin hot he is in person!

Speaking of which...time for me to post more pics of him in FYM!
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I think you're suffering from the initial infacuation. I use to be like that over Edge (He was my first crush) , and just look at how far I've come!


Okay, bad example. It gets easier to take over time, even if it never goes away. There is nothing wrong with you. :hug:
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TheBrazilianFly said:
I love The Edge too (but not in a sexual way :wink: ), I really want to be like him cause I'm already a lot like him. He's a great role model, awesome personality, very talented, loving person and funny. I love 'em all really! All of them got a lot of interesting things on them that I admire! :up:

Amen to that BF!
I just was staring at Edge last night and my dad came from behind me and scared the crap out of me. And when I'm scared I... well... say EDGE... and well I yelled "EEDDGGEE" really loud cause I was scared out of my mind and my dad threatened to pu tme in consuling :uhoh:
Not very nice if ya ask me. I blame it all on Edge :yell:
HEHE! I might blame it on him... but I thank him for being around... cause he makes me happy :hug:

Fly... I LOVE LOVE LOVE your avatar, it's very groovy!
That is funny!
I'm madly obsessed with Kerry and Edwards (though when it comes to't go there). Someone will say a person's name such as "Carrie" and I'll perk up or someone will say "Edward" and I'll perk up again. My room is a democrat's heaven....i have 3 kennedy posters (one of RFK, one of JFK, and one of RFK, JFK, and Teddy). I also have an original 1960 color poster of kennedy from the campaign. I have a liscence plate that says "democrat" and a big metal sign that says "democrat parking only" with a red and white donkey in the middle. I have Kerry/Edwards (particularly edwards) pictures all over the room, and my dresser has Newsweek, Time, and The Economist on it from when Kerry picked Edwards as his running mate. I also have bumper stickers all over the room, and a picture of me with Kerry. My mirror is covered with pictures from when I met kerry/edwards. I even made a CD of songs that the Kerry campaign plays on the trail, such as "Johnny B. Goode", "Beautiful Day," and "Small Town."

Sorry this is a really long post but its another example of how obsessed i am!!! much the way you're obsessed with edge!!!
I find that pretty cool, that you like politics :) Or well... LOVE them lol, and Edwards is a pretty hott I guy :wink:
Everytime I hear the word "edge" or even a word with "edge" in it such as... knowledge (is that how it's spelled?) well I always think of Edge :) of course... who else would I think of lol.
And I agree it's kinda funny about the yelling edge thing, cause well it just is funny lol. I was goin down a waterslide at an amusmentpark this summer and the whole way down I said "EEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEE" and my friend (crzy_frk87 aka Danyelle) said she heard me and everyone was lookin as I went by :uhoh:... but I laughed about it lol :D
I'm looked at funny all the time though... cause everywhere I go (normally during school) I have Edge somewhere visable... so I can see him of course :D and people think I'm just VERY weird...
But that's ok cause as long as I know I'm happy with what I like and not liking it because it's the "Cool" thing to like, I'm good.
does that last sentence make any sence? I can't reword it to make it sound right.... :| :wink: :)

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