Live8 Setlist Party Pt 3

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U2MaNaIcWeIdO said:

I hope they show anything from any of the places...and not just the Philly show.

That would suck if they just showed the Philly show.

MTV is showing sets from all the concerts. They've been advertising Madonna, U2 and Green Day all week.
i think AOL is going to have Live8 on demand on their website for awhile after today i heard.

Lila, I missed u2 tooo!!!!!!!!:(

apparently they were on like 5am or 6am pst on the AOL webcast
I didn't get up till 6:30ish this morning...
Well, business in Paris has sure picked up after that performance by Muse.:wink:
U2MaNaIcWeIdO said:

American MTV doesn't play music videos all to much anymore...even more so during the daytime.

Just asking. (and I think you have the Live8 feed already...but what do I know)

Yeah channel on cable showing the 'world wide' view 'live'

Tim, I thin the cricket is 55/50 :)
trevster2k said:
Well, business in Paris has sure picked up after that performance by Muse.:wink:

You mean the acoustic cover of Come Together performed by a heavily pregnant 40 year old we are getting now didn't hype the shit out of them?

I might have to listen to these Muse characters, they seem fairly popular in these parts:hmm:
U2MaNaIcWeIdO said:

But I'm still a little iffy...but thank you for reassuring me...:D

assuming 'iffy' is a typo.... size isn't important. It's what you do with it.
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