Kristie, Gina, Chris Martin and the Hos.

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Hallelujah Here She Comes

Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 1, 2001
Well, y'all asked for a review of Kristie's and my Coldplay experience, which normally would belong in the already existing Coldplay thread. But this was less a mere concert experience and more a two-day twin-stravaganza, so we felt it warranted it's own thread. :yes:

Kristie: Yer damn right!! :yell:

Kristie here now. Cos, I'm still at casa del Gina. Anyway.
So yesterday at 2:30 am after a half hour of sleep :)yell:) I wake my ass up and get ready to go, get on the train at 5, come to Chicago.
At this point I'd just like to say Amtrak trains are quality.
So I'm at the train station and I don't see my twin and I start to get worried... I went to the phones and called her cell phone and she didn't answer :( However, eventually she tackled me in the bathroom. WOO!
Oh and I made her this little sitting down cardboard Edge that sits atop her monitor. It's really cute.

Gina back. Man, I'm freakin tired. Anyway, we came back to my appartment and watched us some Beatles. There was this clip of them performing Pyramus and Thisbe from a Midsummer Night's Dream. John in a dress and braids, George swearing at people. Yeah, it was quality. :D

At around noon, we sauntered (read: took the train) over to the venue, fully expecting a massive line of people to already be there (we had GAs). But actually there were only about 10 or 15 people in front of us. This turned out not to matter all that much since security at the venue sucked my ass and like 50 people who were there after us got better spots. But we met these two really cool girls in line who had awesome taste in music, and we still got really awesome spots in the second row in front of Chris. Speaking of the crappy ass security, we supposedly weren't allowed to bring cameras into the venue.

Twins: Pshawwww!! Yeah, right! :rolleyes:

So we smuggled our cameras into the venue in our socks (we's smart twins) and surreptitiously snapped photos the whole kickass freaking awesome concert. The whole band, especially Chris were in really high sprits because this was the final show of the tour, so the whole concert was fabulous, but here are some of the highlights that haven't managed to slip out of our brains yet:

- Chris. Cause he kicks ass. And he even manages to come off as spastically energetic when sitting at the piano.
- Shiver. An amazing song anyway, but so unbelievable live. I don't even know what to say about except that it rocked.
- Everything's Not Lost. Even more beautiful live than it is on Parachutes, made even more-er, poignant by Chris' insertion of the lyrics "It's gettin hot in here, so take off all your clothes! I am gettin so hot, so I'm gonna take off all my clothes!" into the outro. Somehow, it managed to be hilarious but not take away from the beauty of the song.
- Trouble. Before he started the song, he started going on about how this was a song that would have been a big hit if Mariah Carey had sung it, but she didn't want it so they got it instead. Then he started the song, but stopped a few bars in to quip "you know, this song would have been a much bigger hit if I had larger breasts" before heading right back into the song.
- Green Eyes. I swear up and down that this song was really written about the Edge (Green Eyes, the spotlight shines upon youuu :cute: ) but even if Chris Martin doesn't have a PLEBA-esque crush on the Edge, it's still a lovely song. :)
- Right before the close of the show, this couple walked on stage and Chris starts saying something about how they got a letter from this guy who "had a girlfriend he wanted to make a wife" and we're all like "Awwwwww!!!" Then the guy, all teary-eyed and nervous, comes up to the mic and proposes to his girlfriend who's also crying at this point and we're like "AAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!!!" She accepts and Chris starts jumping around and cheering like a spaz who just won a football game. And yet again, I must say :cute:.

As a sidenote, there were these hos in front of us who had totally been behind us in line. And they got like EVERY FREAKING THING that Chris threw into the audience AND at the end of the show one of the security guards came up and gave them GODDAMM BACKSTAGE PASSES. And all we got was Chris Martin spit water on us from one of the bottles he threw....not that we're complaining.... :drool:

Ok, so this post is getting ungodly long. Want to find out just how much we can write about one concert? Stay tuned to find out!

EDIT: I have to take Kristie to the train station now, but there's more, LOTS MORE which I will write when I get back. Don't touch that dial.
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yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god, Shiver and Green Eyes *thud*...that show sounds like it was awesome. and awww for the proposal. how sweet and awesome. *sniff* i would have been crying if I were in the audience. Chris is a funny guy. I am really sorry to see the ho's behind you snagged the backstage passes and shit like that. bitches. if you would have worn your PLEBA issued ho attire you could have received those passes too. ;) but i can tell you carry a bit more class. anyway thanks for the write up. :D

Awwwssssoooooommmeee!!! :yes: all those songs live are so incredible!!! And i totally agree that Chris is hilarious.. ahh I love him. And them.. and feck i wish I was seeing them again soon! I'm so glad you guys had a good time!!! Post the pics soon! and that's so cute about the couple.. :heart:

damn those hos! Tell me that's not what it takes to get backstage passes from cool bands. please.

:dance: Cant' wait to hear the rest!! :dance:
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Ok. I'm back from my jaunt downtown to drop off Kristie and pick up a copy of Q (they were out of them :mad:). SO NOW THE FUN CAN BEGIN! :happy:

Let me tell the end first. Cause otherwise you might lose interest halfway through or, you know, now:


Yep. Yes we did. And he was the absolute sweetest guy ever. So yeah, the story:

The concert ends and we hobble out of the arena (our feet and backs hurt sooooo much from standing for 3 hours straight...I can't imagine why...) and head over to the loading dock to wait for the band to come out. And wait we did. For 3 long, cold and hungry hours. But actually it was fun in a weird way. We were still high off of the concert and we got to hang out with all the other newly or still obsessed fans. We were constantly amused by the widely disparate predictions that the crew guys would tell us of when the band was going to come out (as well as by the stories of drunken coldplay and ash playing soccer in the arena). What we heard in roughly the order we heard it:

1) they'll be out soon
2) the won't be out for awhile
3) they'll be out in 20 minutes
4) they won't come out this way. they'll come out on the other side.
5) they'll be out in 30 minutes
6) they won't be out for awhile
7) they'll be out in five minutes (this one was actually true)

There was almost a fan mutiny about a half hour before they came out. This group of about 10 fans just took it upon themselves to walk into the arena. We were greeted by this angry limping crew man shouting "OUT!! OUT!!!" so our pathetic mob quickly dispersed.

But they came out soon enough. And Chris was so freaking nice. If you asked him to sign something he'd be like "Sure! What's your name? How do you spell that?" And when I asked him for a picture, he was like "of course!" and put his arms around me and Kristie. Cept we were all almost decapitated by this psychopathic forklift driver and we had to leap out of the way before someone could snap the pic. Before we could regroup, another girl came and asked him for a pic and I just thought "oh, great I'm going to have to ask again." But no. He said "sure, just let me get one with these two first" or something like that and I was just like "OMG you are the nicest rockstar EVER." Somehow Kristie and I ended up on the same side of him, so I ran around to his other side and he just grabbed me around the shoulder and pulled me into him and someone snapped the pic. I thanked him profusely but he was just like "oh no, it was a pleasure!" Or "pleashah!" as he says in his most adorable of accents. :cute:

Haahaha. That reminds me. Just before he left, people started yelling to him to hurry up so they could all leave. So all of a sudden he starts talking in this cheesy yet accurate southern accent. He was like "Jest a seeeecond! Ah'm still signin' stuuufff!!!" It was so hilarious. :laugh:

We also got Jonny (the guitarist's) autograph, but he was a lot more quiet and shy than Chris. But he was still cool. :cool:

The pic turned out really cute. Kristie and I look madly happy. Chris' eyes are opened REALLY wide and he looks like he's about to say something, which is amusing. I'll scan it in in a couple days along with my signed A Rush of Blood liner notes and some of the better concert pics. :)

Aaaaaand that's it! This was seriously one of the best concerts I've ever been to. I'd say only U2 topped it. Kristie went in a casual fan. I went in a pretty big fan. We both came out bordering-on-obsessive fans. It was a good day. :)

:heart: COLDPLAY :heart:

P.S. We wish you coulda been there too, twin :hug:
GINA AND KRISTIE!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


god Gina, Bono and Chris in a weeks time sweet lord you are working with some good vibes!! and hello, please send them my way next time these guys are in Atlanta.

YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!! I am so happy for all of the fans on here who were able to meet the band and get pictures with Chris or of Chris. :drool:

yeah, he is my new obsession. god i love that man and his voice.
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MissVelvetDress_75 said:
GINA AND KRISTIE!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


god Gina, Bono and Chris in a weeks time sweet lord you are working with some good vibes!! and hello, please send them my way next time these guys are in Atlanta.

YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!! I am so happy for all of the fans on here who were able to meet the band and get pictures with Chris or of Chris. :drool:

yeah, he is my new obsession. god i love that man and his voice.

LOL Iris! Tell me about it! I cannot BELIEVE my luck in the past week. Stuff like this never happens to me. I feel so freaking lucky.

*sends meeting rockstar vibes to Iris*

And as for Chris, all I have to say is:

:heart: :drool: :love: :sick: :cute: :kiss:

Gina pretty much summed it up well...
1. The concert was AMAZING. Which you probably gathered. Coldplay are my new second favorite band.
2. Damn hos. Really, people just kept WALKING IN backstage with no passes and not getting kicked out, I think our mob just walked in at a bad time.
3. Ash opened for Coldplay. I think Gina didn't mention that.
4. I didn't get a t-shirt cos.. I forgot until we were out of the arena and they wouldn't let us back in. BAH.
5. Thusly I had nothing to get signed.
6. Chris Martin smelled really minty.
And he's got a nice man groove.
Which you will see once Gina gets the picture scanned :evil:
:heart: :drool: :heart: :drool: :heart: :drool:

Aahhhhhhh you guys that is so great!! that rocks! jeez 3 hours.. you definitely deserved it! They are just the nicest guys ever. congrats!!! I wanna see the sweet sweet piiicccss!!!

siiigh.. oh man i hope the rumors of them coming back in jan or feb are true. must... see.. again. :love:
wow, wow, wow, wow!!!!!! i can't believe your luck gina! bono last week, and now chris martin!!!! congrats........anyway, i was actually sitting (or standing) in the seats just left of the stage.....the concert was great!!!! they put on one hell of a show, and chris martin was hilarious......i was actually thinking of sticking around the venue to try to meet them, but i met some friends there and decided to go out with them....too bad i didnt see you there....well, congrats again on meeting both bono and chris martin in a week's span.....cant wait to see the pics!
Re: homina

mocool12 said:
damn those hos! Tell me that's not what it takes to get backstage passes from cool bands. please.

Ok. I should clarify. They weren't *really* dressed like hos. We just called them that cause they got in front of us even though they got in line after us (which even though our seats rocked, ticks me off) and got ALL the cool shit that Chris tossed into the audience. We don't really know why they got passes. We're thinking maybe because they actually followed the rules and *DIDN'T* take any pics, the security guards were so grateful they gave them backstage passes. But WHAT THE FREAK EVER. I still had a bloody amazing night, hos or not. ;)

Aaaaand here they are, in all their crappy camera, crappy scanner glory. But I actually think they turned out ok. :)


Chris at the piano, in one of his calmer moments.


mmm...piano tasty....


Are you there God? It's me, Chris...



Mangroove shot #1:

Mangroove shot #2 (the superior mangroove shot):

The twins know what to take pictures of. Mmmhmmm. :sexywink:

More pics in one moment.
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aahh ok.. so they weren't hos. That's good. :D But let's just call them... oh i don't know.. bastards. y'know, for getting all the sweet, sweet stuff...?

Dude he said that Kristie?! heeeeecccckkkkk yeeeeeessss I hope so!!!!
Ok. I need a moment to collect myself before I post these two.......Ok. I'm alright.

My signed album:

If you can't read it (which would not be shocking because Chris was a bit sloshed at this point) it says: Hi Gina (that's me! :D) Thanks for waiting. Love, Chris." And then Jonny just signed his name next to Chris' inscription. :)

The money shot (no, not THAT one):

He looks kinda funny in the pic...but still...:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

GAWD, I love him. :cute:
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aw dammit i posted right when the sweet goodness was being posted!!! those are such great piics!!! MAN the man-groove shot is nice... holy dizamn!!! :drool:

Dudes i LOVE that pic he took w/ you guys!!! hahaha he looks adorable!!!! and yay for the autograph! :)
congrats again! it's too cool...
mmm, man groove...
the funny thing is that those two man groove pictures, one was taken by me and one by Gina at the exact same time basically :D
Go unibrain!
love him love :heart: :cute: :drool:
I thoughta a few things that haven't been said
1. The two nice girls we were talking to, at one point they said something about how if Bono wants to help third world debt he should sell one of his million houses and donate the money.
Twins: *look at each other and be ready to rant but instead decide it's not the time nor place for it*

2. The band screamed at us from out of their van while driving by us as we were walking down the street to the train :D

holy prepositional phrases, batman!
hippyactress said:

What'd they scream, twin?

They went "WOOOOO!!!!" or "YEAAAAAH!!" or something like that. And in reply we went "WOOOO!!!" or something of that nature. It was a good conversation we had. :yes:

Also (I don't think this has been mentioned yet) let me just say:

Chris Martin has one damn fine little bum. Occasionally he'd turn away from the crowd when he was wildly flailing about and it was know...THERE. It was there and it was GOOD. ;)
Hallelujah Here She Comes said:
Also (I don't think this has been mentioned yet) let me just say:

Chris Martin has one damn fine little bum. Occasionally he'd turn away from the crowd when he was wildly flailing about and it was know...THERE. It was there and it was GOOD. ;)


I think this goes well here

AdamsLoveMuffin: i was talking to one of my coworkers today
TheElectriCo: uh huh?
AdamsLoveMuffin: and she asked me what i'd done the past two days
TheElectriCo: muahahaha
AdamsLoveMuffin: and i was like "i went to see coldplay" prefacing it with "oh, i don't know if you've heard of them, but..."
AdamsLoveMuffin: turns out, she freaking LOVES them
AdamsLoveMuffin: when she saw the pic of us with him, she was like "that's it, gina. you are no longer my friend"
AdamsLoveMuffin: she also said it looked like i was goosing hime
AdamsLoveMuffin: which it SO does
TheElectriCo: lmaaaao
TheElectriCo: I ALMOST DID
AdamsLoveMuffin: HAHAHAHA
TheElectriCo: like I was trying to find somewhere to put my right hand and I came real close to putting it on his ass
AdamsLoveMuffin: now THAT would have been a story
AdamsLoveMuffin: hahahahhahahaha
TheElectriCo: but then I was like "NO ASS THERE"
AdamsLoveMuffin: cause his ass is liek at our hand level
TheElectriCo: yeah
TheElectriCo: bwahahahaha
AdamsLoveMuffin: such a nice ass
TheElectriCo: so my arm jus sort of floated around behind him

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