Justification of the exwife/bitch

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Nov 10, 2000
A few weeks ago, Daisy asked me to tell her father she didnt want to go see him for the weekend. I asked her why, and she just didnt want to go. She ended up staying one night only.

Later on I find out after a few days after she's back that she's been kind of trading one-ups with her stepmother. Daisy can't stand her, Stepmother cant stand Daisy. One of the comments made to Daisy was something I still dont know how it came about...but the stepmother told Daisy that her father gives me alot of money.

say what?

i get child support. very little of it.

and daycare? dont make me laugh. My grandma watches Daisy for free with the condition that my ex pays 40 dollars a month for groceries.

he hasnt paid that in I dont know how many months. and everytime I do ask him for it...he says "oh I forgot it. I'll bring it when I get Daisy back to you Sunday." I never see the money.

I've decided to make Stepmother's words to Daisy a reality.

I've done worse...but I will do things the legal way.

I'm tired of his selfish attitude.

seems like you're being more or less neglected by people who should support you

go for justice and perhaps a little more
Go get em, icelle! :mad:

I realize not all men walk away from a partner AND the child/children when a relationship ends, but it happens so often it sure is easy to generalize. :( I wish you all the best in your battle for what's best for Daisy!! :hug:
Yeah, I agree, you go put him on the spot about the grocery-money :up:

Let's hope Daisy will still like to go to her dads in the long run and the Stepmom will get her act together - she should see that it's in Daisy's best interest to make her feel welcome there and that badmouthing you will get her nothing except upsetting Daisy.
Good for you. He needs to pay up, for real. She's his daughter and he owes her that much.
Is there any way you can petition the court for supervised visits between Daisy and her dad without her stepmother?

Daisy shouldn't ever be put in the middle of disagreements between the adults in her life -- it's NOT her problem, it's the problem of the adults. She didn't ask to be born, it was the decision of her parents -- now you are both responsible to care for her without using her as a weapon. And if her father allows his current wife to denigrate you, that's exactly what he is doing.

The selfish little twit should pay his fair share of his daughter's care, so go get him!
Wow, your grandma is still alive and babysitting? That's incredible. That's like four generations.

I agree with you entirely on everything else.
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xtal said:
Wow, your grandma is still alive and babysitting? That's incredible. That's like four generations.

I agree with you entirely on everything else.

yeah, you'd think she'd be in a nursing home by now but she's still very active for her age. and she really loves taking care of daisy.

and you know what bugs me?

my ex will not pay the 40 bucks a month.

40 fucking dollars a month
You've been more than patient with this deadbeat Icelle...after he hears what he's going to have pay if you take him to court, he's going to wish he had been more cooperative with you. :up:
Do what you have to do. I don't know why so many (my ex included) think once they're divorced their obligations cease. The others are right, your ex's new wife shouldn't be so inappropriate with your daughter.
I suppose I am lucky because when my parents seperated (not divorced but as good as, Mum is engaged), despite my Dad's silly actions to 'win my mother back', they have remained amicable and have never had such issues as the one icelle has to deal with. I feel that the fact that my parents could split yet remain friendly has made me a stronger person.

I hope for your's and Daisy's sake icelle you can do the same for your daughter, give her some positives out of this experience, by cancelling out her father's bad influence with your own strength and vigour.

And do it on Judge Judy. :wink:
he feels since he pays child support, thats his fair share. anything else would be considered my responsibility since im the one who decided to keep his decision to leave me in the first place.

last night daisy told me she didnt want to see him this weekend again. i called my ex and his wife answered, i told her to have him call me to discuss daisy not wanting to go over their house, and she said...well, she didnt want to come over 2 weeks before, and so forth, and now she's saying it again? she had an attitude about it and she was trying to intimidate me.

it really isnt any of her business. i was getting mad, but i wasn't in the mood to start a fight. i kindly told her to have my ex call me. and she hung up. he never called back. so im thinking i caused a fight between them. not something i intended. i just dont want to force daisy to go.

the thing about daisy is, she can only take so much. she really cant stand being around the new wife and stepdaughter. and her father, she cant stand him at times either. i never bad mouth him, i always encourage her to see him, to spend time with him, etc...but she sees for herself how he is. when he was sending the money before last year for groceries, she would see the checks and get mad. she made a statement last year to my grandma that really bothered her..."40 bucks...is that all im worth?" she would be sad all day. other times she would act out in anger. he leaves messages on my cell phone for her to listen to. i tell her about the messages but she doesnt want to hear them. first thing that comes out of her mouth "delete it."

i feel like putting my head in the sand and i dotn want to come out. i dont want to go thru this, but i cant stand not having any money to get by. i dont want my ex to threaten me with court to make me force daisy to keep the visitations on time. i dont want to go thru it.

guess you could say im afraid of the outcome, what's gonna happen, etc.
icelle said:
i feel like putting my head in the sand and i dotn want to come out. i dont want to go thru this, but i cant stand not having any money to get by. i dont want my ex to threaten me with court to make me force daisy to keep the visitations on time. i dont want to go thru it.

I don't know a whole lot about how things like this work, but because Daisy is older now, wouldn't the court take her feelings into strong consideration when determining visitations?
My brother and I were in Daisy's position when we were younger. Our stepmother was horrible to us. Also, my dad has given my mother problems about paying for things other than what he's obligated to do. My mother has had to pay for braces, medical bills, tuition, etc. Finally, she was able to get him to pay for my car and medical insurance but that's about all he's paid for in the 17 years I've been alive.

Take him to court and get what you and Daisy deserve. Best of luck. :hug:
take him to court and if need be get them to garnish his wages. he needs to be responsible for his child. :yes:
Daisy is getting old enough to have a lot more say in which parent she spends time with. He cant morally have any right to demand time with her when he cannot even cough up such limited financial support. It's time to get a court to intervene, Icelle.
Good luck.
that sucks:madspit: :madspit:

I kinda went through the same thing, my dad ran off and got married (without me knowing:| )anyway I was in college at the time....hated him and his new wifey poo...when my mom and him split up he was suppose to pay for my college and stuff like that. Well he didn't......he just trashed the loan papers so when I got to school they told me I had to leave cause it wasn't paid for....I had to take out these really bad high intrest loans just to stay (my senior year) so blah blah blah...anyway I ended up paying the rest myself, which really ended up being better cause I don't owe him ANYTHING! he cannot hold anything over my head and I showed him I could do it without him.:madspit:...

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