Joshua Tree Tour 2017 - Rumors & General Discussion II

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U2 were working in the rehearsal room beside Noel on SOE and BVS also stormed in and said GTFO (on tour)
BVS is going to clear out the stadium after the final song with a four letter word.

Do you realize the percentage of your posts that you use my name?

Your crush is flattering, but I'm taken. So unless you want to get banned again I'd find another obsession, maybe a healthy one this time.
Probably not. Australian promoter said no venues are being held at the moment. I am thinking they will launch SOE tour in Aus though...

I have mixed feelings about being the first leg.... or at least seeing them right at the start. They take a good 5-10 shows to warm up imo But would be cool to get to see them first.
It'll probably be a hybrid of JT/SOE so that's both bases covered
It's pretty obvious that the tour layout will be :

2018 :March/April NZ-AUS,then summer in Europe and concluding the I&E tour in U.S/Canada in the Fall.
It's pretty obvious that the tour layout will be :

2018 :March/April NZ-AUS,then summer in Europe and concluding the I&E tour in U.S/Canada in the Fall.

That'd be incredible if true. Australia/NZ actually do have proper arenas, so they could do the E&I Tour there. Then could hit up Asia in arenas as well. Madonna did Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Philippines, Taiwan and Japan on her last tour, so it's not out of the question U2 would do something similar.

Then they need to spend some serious time touring Europe thoroughly. The past 2 tours they have been pretty skimpy. 2015 had 12 cities, and 2017 will have 8 cities in Europe, mostly cities they already did in 2015 (except Rome).

Then come to North Americain the fall of 2018 and do whatever they can do after milking the market dry with the JT 2017.
By bleeding the N.A. market for TJT this year,i can't see them coming here before the last leg of the tour.And the routing makes more sense going from downunder to Europe and finishing it off in U.S./Canada.
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Opening the new tour in Australia would be a complete shocker.

The market for shows is certainly there, but Europe is just so much bigger. And if they're doing arenas, there's no need to worry about seasons. L1 Europe, L2 America, L3 Australia, L4 Europe is a bit more believeable. Maybe even flipping 3 and 4.

That said, I still wouldn't give up on JT30 coming to Australia. After all, when was the last time they toured South America without also hitting Australia? Pretty much never? Unless they're planning to save Australia for Lovetown 2019, I think there's still better than 50/50 odds of TJT30 showing up down there.
They probably should open in Australia, but they haven't done that since Lovetown, which was really just a quasi extension of the Joshua Tree Tour anyways, so I don't even know if you can count that.
Opening the new tour in Australia would be a complete shocker.

The market for shows is certainly there, but Europe is just so much bigger. And if they're doing arenas, there's no need to worry about seasons. L1 Europe, L2 America, L3 Australia, L4 Europe is a bit more believeable. Maybe even flipping 3 and 4.

That said, I still wouldn't give up on JT30 coming to Australia. After all, when was the last time they toured South America without also hitting Australia? Pretty much never? Unless they're planning to save Australia for Lovetown 2019, I think there's still better than 50/50 odds of TJT30 showing up down there.

Think JT30 southern hemisphere beyond S. America in October. Would make sense given their touring patterns and would ease off the milking of northern hemisphere (nothing wrong with more than 12 shows for EU though...)

Australia / N. Zealand (Japan?) 2018 Innocence and Experience with SOE and U2 not doing another round of EU/US first is...unprecedented for U2.
I guess it all depends on when SOE is released. If it's released late this year, as rumored, then I can see the tour beginning in Feb/March Australia (which is their summer). Then do the summer in Europe, and then fall in NA. If SOE isn't released until spring of 2018, then I can see it being summer in Europe, Australia/Asia in the Oct/Dec months, and then North America in 2019. As an American, I will be surprised and kind of irritated if America gets ANOTHER batch of shows before the ROW.

I think the main reason South America was lumped in with the JT Tour is because SA doesn't have much in the way of modern arenas. They pretty much HAVE to do stadiums there, and they already have this stadium production going right now, so why not? I kind of figured they'd do that from the beginning for that reason.
So what would an Experience & Innocence 2018 leg look like in North America? Here's what I think, based on what got a bunch of shows in 2015 and the 2017 dry milking.

Edmonton x2
Winnipeg x2
Quebec City x2
Boston x2
Hartford or Albany
NYC x2
Washington D.C.
Raleigh / Charlotte (assuming the bathroom situation gets resolved)
Miami- should be good for 1 show
Atlanta- 2 shows if nothing added for 2017. 1 show if they do add it Atlanta in 2017.
Nashville or Memphis
Columbus- PLEASE! I know it was on the original schedule for 2017, please stick to it!
Chicago x2
Omaha or Des Moines
Tulsa or Oklahoma City
New Orleans
Texas x2 (San Antonio probably, and then either Dallas or Houston)
Las Vegas x2
Los Angeles x2
Sacramento- brand new arena
Salt Lake City

Still quite a few possibilities, more than I thought there would be.
So what would an Experience & Innocence 2018 leg look like in North America? Here's what I think, based on what got a bunch of shows in 2015 and the 2017 dry milking.

Edmonton x2
Winnipeg x2
Quebec City x2
Boston x2
Hartford or Albany
NYC x2
Washington D.C.
Raleigh / Charlotte (assuming the bathroom situation gets resolved)
Miami- should be good for 1 show
Atlanta- 2 shows if nothing added for 2017. 1 show if they do add it Atlanta in 2017.
Nashville or Memphis
Columbus- PLEASE! I know it was on the original schedule for 2017, please stick to it!
Chicago x2
Omaha or Des Moines
Tulsa or Oklahoma City
New Orleans
Texas x2 (San Antonio probably, and then either Dallas or Houston)
Las Vegas x2
Los Angeles x2
Sacramento- brand new arena
Salt Lake City

Still quite a few possibilities, more than I thought there would be.

No love for Pittsburgh??
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