Jordanian University Says if She is Disobedient...

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ONE love, blood, life
Aug 24, 2002
beat her.

[Q]Dr. Muhammad Al-Hajj, lecturer on Islamic faith at the Jordanian University: We in Islam see the family as an institution, an institution that must succeed. This institution has foundations, and it has the elements for its success. Allah gave the management of this institution to the man. This is the concept of guardianship. Guardianship in Islam does not mean repression, concerning which there are penal and moral laws. The issue is who directs this institution, because two people cannot drive a car - there must be one driver. Islam has given the wheel of this car, the car of the family, to the man. The verse discussing the handling of problems that may crop up in the family is included in the passage discussing guardianship: 'Men are the guardians of women,' and then Allah says, 'Admonish those of them on whose part you fear disobedience, and banish them from the beds, and beat them. Then, if they obey you, do not seek a pretext to hurt them.' The order that appears in this verse is a wise order. It is not possible to move to the second stage before the first stage, or to the third stage before the second. The wonderful thing in this verse is that it mentioned this solution for the case of disobedience.

Host: Meaning, a specific instance?

Guest: Exactly. We are not talking about a man imposing discipline every day, asking any little thing of her, and she refuses, and then he banishes her or beats her. Such a thing does not exist in Islam at all.

Host: All right, doctor, what does 'disobedience' mean?

Guest: Yes, Allah said, 'Those on whose part you fear disobedience.' Disobedience is defiance, rebellion, doing deplorable and ugly things about which there is a consensus among the people that they are deplorable. Therefore, not every little transgression at home, such as, she cooked something he didn't want, is considered disobedience. This is not disobedience. Punishment is limited to cases of disobedience, and for instances of making this family into hell, and into an unnatural situation. Then, in order to handle this problem, in the case of the wife's disobedience and rebellion - there must be a cure for such instances - to this end, there is this progression. First, the moment there is fear of disobedience, and even before the disobedience itself happens, comes the stage of admonition: admonition by mentioning Allah, mentioning the rights of the couple, mentioning the continuation of the family and the children's future?

Host: And the admonition continues for a long time, not a day or two?

Guest: No, no. Obviously, the admonition cannot end in a day or two. It must continue for a significant period, during which all means of persuasion are exhausted.

Host: The admonition must be done with words, or the [husband] can use a cassette, a video film, a book, a meeting, a course, a magazine?

Guest: All these means are included in the method of admonition, which can include also enticements through money or gifts?

Host: He can get her an Internet program, so she will learn?

Guest: He can remind her of matters concerning this world and the world to come. All these are included in this admonition. And if this wife continues in her rebelliousness?

Host: After a long time?

Guest: Yes, yes. After all these attempts at persuasion with gentle language, there is still danger of corruption for the family?

Host: And the wife continues in her rebelliousness?

Guest: And the wife continues in her rebelliousness, there comes another stage, and this is the stage of banishing her from the bed, which is aimed at giving her a sense that 'I am not happy.'

Host: Yes.

Guest: And if she persists and he gives her another chance during this same period and she continues for months, and sometimes even for years, with her refusal and rebellion here is revealed the wisdom of Islam: another means must be introduced. This is the means of the not-hard beatings, and the condition 'not hard' appears in the texts, it is not an interpretation. It is said in the Hadiths of the Prophet that we are talking of 'not-hard' beatings?

Host: What is the difference between 'hard' and 'not-hard'?

Guest: Hard beatings are those that leave marks on the body or on the face. Thus, beating on the face is prohibited, because the face is a combination of the features of beauty, as it is said. It is forbidden to beat the face, it is forbidden to administer blows that leave fractures or wounds this is what our sages have said in their books.
There seems to be 2 almost polar opposite views of Allah's words and you have to wonder which is the accurate one. There is this one which mirrors the views talked about in the other thread, but there are those who believe this is not true and this is all misinterpretation. There's quotes I've read which show this. I can't remember them exactly but they are things like "Women are to be revered and respected at all costs etc etc".
Who's got the right interpretation here?
Angela, since you've read two books in the "Princess Trilogy", you probably remember Sultana's quotes from the Koran about Mohammed and women. The Moslems who don't have a Wahhabist orientation go along with this. They are having huge disputes in Jordan between liberals and conservatives. Patriarchy is a secular Arabic custom, and tradition dies hard in those very traditional cultures.
:eek: You picked up from that where I read that lol, uncanny verte! :D
I'm not knowledgeable in this area but did find there was this great element of hope in those books. They're not comprehensive at all, but are very insightful. I hoped that she was not alone in her thinking and in time this tradition like you say can start to shift toward her line of thinking more. I guess its going to take a long time if change is at all even possible. Its very sad.
Angela, it really is sad that this crud is still going on. You're right, Sultana is an optimist. I don't see how she manages this because of the obstacles she and the other women of her country are up against. Her son is now married to a university student, and they hope to get something done. I couldn't live with that kind of :censored: in my life. I'd be completely insane.
So what happens to men who "disobey" ?

I have respect for the religious beliefs of others, but I have no respect for stuff like this. No God that I know in my heart would condone this.
It's ashame that some of these interpretations are twisted and morphed.... I personally can't stand the ideas of what many of the Wahabbists, and many of the truly uneducated people have to say about Islam... I'm not a good Muslim, but I know of plenty of scholors who would be equally disgusted by these comments...
Btw, I should start showing some positive stuff on Islam... Given most of what is put in this thread have negativity conotations towards the Islam.

Dread man, i know you despise Islam, but man, what was with "beat her". ??? Did you mean to put that in b4 the quote??? or was it a mistake.. ??
Amna said:

Dread man, i know you despise Islam, but man, what was with "beat her". ??? Did you mean to put that in b4 the quote??? or was it a mistake.. ??

I am tired of you making assumptions about me.
Though many have morphed perceptions of Islam... Here is a refreasher....
OUt of observation, I noticed that people (scholors) some times twist the translation, and literally twist the translation from the Quran... It is very disappointing when one sees that...

Status Of Women In Islam
By Dr. Ahmed Abdul Magid Hammoud


This study attempts to discuss the status of women in Islam. The study is based on two kinds of resources. First the Holy Qur'an which provides valuable information on the Status of Women in the pre-Islamic period and after the declaration of Islam, and secondly, the works of Muslim jurists including the works of modern scholars and writers.

The first chapter of this study deals with the Status of Women until the beginning of the Islamic Mission.

The second chapter is devoted to the Status of Women after the call of Islam and how Prophet Mohammad (p) in his Message freed women from the shackles and chains of cultural customs and tribal traditions which were imposed on them and drew for them their role in life socially and politically, and gave them what they were not previously given, their dignity and put them on the right path which led them to stability, clear self-determination and self- confidence.

The main concern of this study is to clear the way for Muslim women, to know their rights which were suppressed and deprived for many centuries and to know the position that God and His Messenger Prophet Mohammad and Islamic Law (Shari'a) have chosen for them. This study is also aimed to raise awareness among the World Muslim women about their rights as mothers, wives, sisters and daughters, and to clarify the real image of Islam in relation to women in general for Western readers in order to differentiate between Islam and cultural practices. And above all, to educate men about the role of women in Islam.

I am extremely grateful to Mr Ali Zeitoun, Mr Hussein Zeitoun and Mr Abed al-Rahman Hammoud for the typing and publication of this work. I would like to thank everybody in particular the women who praised this book. I would also like to thank Mr. Hussein Abu Ghaida who is known by his generosity for the publication of the second edition.

Finally, I must acknowledge the debt I owed to my wife Mariam and my daughters Seknah, Amenah and Batoul for their constant encouragement to write about the Status of Women in Islam.


In this chapter 1 am going to illustrate the position of woman before the rise of Islam. The woman in primitive societies was not considered as a member of society and had no social value. Her existence in society was for the requirements of men only. She was assigned to insignificant work such as carrying goods, moving them when the tribes were searching for water and pasture, collecting wood and serving the man at home.

In addition, she was responsible for the upbringing of children and caring for the sick.

As long as she was in her father's house or in a house of a guardian, she was solely his possession without having the right to own anything even her clothes; gold and jewellery were for the man. It was permissible for him and without any restriction to take any hard decision concerning her and inflict any kind of torture or punishment on her, even if it would lead to her death.

She was offered to others as a present or borrowed for entertainment. Furffiermore the poor father was allowed to sell his daughter like a slave to relieve himself from misery. She had to accept anyone selected by her guardian as her husband.

Once she moved to her husband's house she would become only an object to satisfy his excessive sexual craving.

The man had the right to unlimited polygamy. A custom which was widespread at the time in Byzantium, Persia, as well as Arabia.

It was for man alone to exercise his right to divorce, and he was not obliged by custom to provide any compensation for his divorced wife. Even after divorce he could prevent her from remarrying.

She had to live under his authority and was always the victim for his inclination and interest.

She was condemned to live as a miserable creature who had no role to play in the human society. She was a helpless captive condemned to live and die without rights and dignity. She did not live to enjoy life or exercise her human rights.

They questioned whether woman had a soul or was she a body without a soul. If she was a human with a soul, was her soul similar to that of a man or not? Had they regarded her with a soul, her soul would have been lower than the man?s soul.

In the second stage during the reign of Hummurabi, the rule of the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Persians, certain family laws appeared in their codes such as 'woman had rights in the human society'. But that did not, change her status. She was considered a weak person who was incapable of bearing the life's burden and managing its affairs. She never enjoyed any freedom and was not allowed to join men in social gatherings. She never joined the study circles of the philosophers.

However, the woman in these societies was yielding to the authority of man throughout life, obeying his orders without any objection.

She hadn't any freedom that would make her able to achieve any kind of work and was deprived of all rights and social privileges. She was deprived of any right to complain or protest and she was not allowed to give evidence in the courts.

There were many other oppressive aspects of the life of woman in these societies.

There were other factors which affected her life. The laws of the day did not allow her to inherit her relatives or own any wealth. If it happened that she earned some money or received her dowry from her husband, the father would assume responsibility over managing her assets.

Had she done any good work her guardian alone would have benefited, however, had she done unacceptable work then she alone would have been held responsible and would bear its consequences.

The hardest time on woman was when she had a relationship with a stranger, an undesirable man, during her monthly menstruation period or if she gave birth to a female child. In these circumstances she was kept away and considered as an unclean human being.

If it appeared that she was sometimes granted some of her rights it would be due to the paternal kindness and husband's love.

However, one might observe that woman at this period of time was no more ~ a prisoner who had no


It is worth mentioning that the position of woman started to change after Christianity's declaration. But she was not free from the bonds of man on the grounds that she reflected the glory of man; for man was not created from woman but woman from man, nor was man created for woman's sake but the woman was created for man?s sake.

Furthermore, she was generally considered not independent of man nor was man independent of woman. For, as a woman was made from man; in the same way; man is born of woman.

It is obvious that Christianity left its impact on the life of woman; that was due to the inspiration, attitudes and teachings of Jesus.

In the course of history, one might ask how the woman was treated in the west?

In 586 A.D., the religious leaders of France after long discussions decided that woman was a human being but made to serve man. It was not until recently that women in Europe had any right to own property.

In England it was not until about 1850 A.D. that women were counted in the national population census.

It was in 1882 A.D. that a British Law unprecedented in the country's history granted women theright to decide how their own earnings should be spent, instead of handing them over directly to their husbands. Until then, even the clothes on their backs had been their husband's property.

Henry VIII even forbade women to study the Bible when the first En&h Translations began to appear.

The women in the west had to fight hard for their rights. In 1919 women in England fought for their rights to he elected to parliament. Because of their demands, they were imprisoned by the government and suffered tremendously.

However; due to their struggle the women in the west recently came to enjoy their rights and privileges.

In the Arabian peninsula the woman had no right or esteem as well. She was just a chattel to form part of the property of a father or a husband. Most of them were ashamed of having a daughter, because, according to these tribes a daughter could not become a warrior to defend the tribe or she might be taken captive by their enemies in the future.

Some of these tribes used to bury their daughters alive. The Holy ~an mentions some of the sufferings of the woman under the burden of these Tribal Laws which were strongly condemned by Islam. The Qur'an states.

"And when a daughter is announced to one of them his face becomes black and he is full of wrath. He hides himself from the people because of the evil of that which is announced to him Shall he keep it with disgrace or bury it (alive) in the dust? Now surely evil is what they judge?' Qur'an 16:58-59

The Arabs' contact with different nations had brought the traditions of various religions to Arabia, such as Judaism, Christianity, Star-Worshipers and Zoroastrianism.

The culture and way of life of these tribes were a mixture of the customs and cultures of Persians, Romans, Ethiopians, Egyptians, Jews, and the Christian of Iraq and Yemen.

This was a brief account of the status of woman in the pre-Islamic period. And now we shall move with the reader to the next chapter to reveal how Islam treated woman.


In this chapter 1 am going to shed the light on the status of women in Islam.

When Prophet Mohammad declared Islam the people of Arabia heard about his Message, its universality and that men and women were equal.

In the first place, Islamic history indicates to us that it was a woman who was the first martyr in Islam, to rise up and revolt against her master, to break the chains of slavery and crush the shackles of customs and traditions which dominated Arabian women.

From the very beginning of Islam, it considered man and woman as two human beings with due respect to their physical construction one being a male and the other a female, and did not differentiate between them on the grounds that every single human in general was the result of procreation between the male and the female.

?1 suffer not the work of any worker inale orfemale to be lost, you proceed one from another? Qur'an 3.195

On the other hand Islam sent a clear message to the human race as a whole that men and women, be they of any nation, tribe, clan or colour occupying any part of the earth, are the children of ADAM and EVE.

?0 mankind! We created you from a male and a female and made .you nations and tribes that you may know each other. Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is the most righteous. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).' Quean 49:13

This verse makes clear the view point of Islam with regards to human life on earth. It is addressed to all mankind, as mankind is descended from one pair of parents.

The distribution of people into nations, tribes, communities and societies is only for the purpose of knowing and recognising each other.

In this, of course lies the great importance of Prophet Mohammad's saying: 'Do not pride over your births and your tribal or national superiority".

?0 mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from twain scattered countless men and women....' Qur'an 4:1

?He it is Who created you from a single soul." Qur'an 7:189

This message to humanity as a whole clarifies that all men and women are from the same essence and kind.

Anyhow, the Holy Qur'an is the most authentic source to tell us about the treatment of female children before Islam.

"When the girl-child that was buried alive, is asked, For what sin was she killed"" Quean 81:8-9

The Holy Qur'an put before us the trial of this female child which is going to take place on the Day of judgement. This innocent female infant wffi be questioned about the crime she had committed to deserve such injustice. Certainly! The crime was committed by the father. But in the world of justice she will be able to give evidence for she had not committed any crime herself. Her only crime was that she was born a female baby.

To that degree was the treatment of the female infants in the pre- Islamic period. They were buried alive and having a daughter was considered to be a shame.

In that age Of darkness, Islam put an end to this shameful act of female infanticide.

When Prophet Mohamniad heard how a nian buried his daughter, he cried.

In this society Islam gave the woman her rights and made her a respectable member of the community and saved her from the prison of customs and traditions and granted her the freedom of willpower and work and made her inherit from her father, brother, husband, uncles and her next of kin.

She was able to choose a career she may like. There was esteem and respect for her work, she was empowered to demand her rights and to make a formal request directly to the authorities or take legal action if she was assaulted or subjected to any harassment.

In all circumstances, her rights were fully preserved without any restrictions. The man had no power over her and had no right whatsoever to control and dominate her.

?'There shall be no blame on you in what they may do with themselves in fairness.' Quran 11.234

Islam honored women as mothers, daughters, wives and as working mothers.

A man came to Prophet Mohammad and asked him: "O Messenger of Allah! Whom should 1 be more dutiful to?' The Prophet replied: 'To your mother." He asked: "Then to whom?' He replied: 'To your mother.' The man again asked: 'Then to whom?' The Prophet said: 'To your father.?

In addition, he crowned women with the best crown in the entire history when he said: ?Paradise lies at the feet of mothers.?

The Holy Qur'an considered both female and male babies as gifts from God to be rejoiced over and nurtured to maturity. It has been narrated that Prophet Mohammad said: 'the girl is a mercy from God and the boy is a grace from God. God will reward and compensate for that mercy and will ask (or question you) about that grace.'

The Holy Qur'an also instructed logical and practical doctrines towards the mother and father:

"Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to parents, whether one or both of them attain old age in their life@ Say not to them a word of contempt nor repel thein. But address them in terms of honour. And out of kindness lower to them the wing of humility,- and say: 'My Lord! Bestow on them Your mercy even as they cherished me in childhood.? Qur'an 17.24-26

It is worth noting that one of the chapters of the Qur'an was named "Surat AI-Nisa' - 'The Women' which glorifies them. Twelve women were mentioned in the Qur'an. Mary the mother of Jesus was among them and a chapter of the Holy Qur'an was assigned to her name 'Surah Mariam'. (Chapter 19) Another example was the wife of Pharaoh who is historically known as Asiya, one of the four perfect women. The other three are Mary the Mother of Jesus, Khadija the wife of Prophet Mohammad and Fatima his daughter.

Asiya faced Pharaoh, his arrogance, and his wrong doings and preserved her faith and her righteousness. She was probably the same woman who saved the life of the infant child Moses.

?And God sets forth, as an example to. those who believe, the wife of Pharaoh. Behold she saiil- '0 my Lord! Buildfor me, in nearness to you a mansion in the Garden, and save me from Pharaoh and his doings, and save mefrom those that do wrong.' Qur'an 66..II

Khadija the wife of Prophet Mohammad won the distinction of being the believer and the first Muslim and the mother of believers. Her love of God and devotion to her husband and her commitment to support Islam religiously, politically and economically were an example for womanhood in Islam to imitate.

Meanwhile, her daughter Fatima was the owner of the values of her father Prophet Mohammad. She was born in a society which regarded a daughter's birth as a disgrace which could only be overcome with her burial.

This is why history looks in amazement at the way Prophet Mohammad treated his young daughter Fatima, the way he spoke with her and the way he praised her.

Whenever the Prophet went on a journey, Fatima was the last person to farewell him and the first person to welcome him when he returned. He was kind to her. Islamic history recorded that he used to kiss the hands of Fatima his youngest daughter. This "e of behaviour on the part of the Prophet carries a great meaning.

It opens the eyes of important people, politicians and the majority of the Muslim community towards the greatness of Fatima. It teaches mankind about the importance of women. It invited men to release women from the shackles of cultures, the tribal traditions and customs which were imposed on them. It helps women in their endeavour to achieve their potential and to reject inferiority, humiliation and indignity.

He also made his daughter's happiness correlated to his happiness and said: 'Whosoever loves my daughter Fatima loves me, whosoever makes Fatima content makes me content, whosoever makes Fatima unhappy makes me unhappy. Fatima is a part of my body.'

As a little girl she was watching her father's suffering in his mission. With her small loving hands she cleansed her father's head and face from the dust which was thrown on him by his opponents and comforted him.

She was supporting him through all his adversities, troubles and sufferings in order to lead people forth from the. depths of darkness into light. It is because of that she came to be called 'The mother of her father'. This is how Prophet Mohammad revolutionised the position of women.

It is related that when Prophet Mohammad was attacked by the pagan tribes at the battle of Huneyn and was victorious, a large number of their people were taken prisoners and a great amount of booty was seized. Once it had been brought to the Prophet's attention that his wet nurses were among the prisoners, he remembered the kindness of his wet nurses at the time of his childhood. Tears filled his eyes and he immediately gave away all his share and the shares of all his family back to the prisoners. On the following day, he freed all the prisoners and gave them back all the booty.

When his foster-sister visited him one day, he received her warmly and spread out his cloak for her to sit on. In these actions lies the great respect of Prophet Mohammad towards women,

Since the early Message of Islam, women enjoyed full political rights, and participated in all Socio-Political and Religio-Political activities. Their pledge was to worship none but the one true God; not to indulge in sex outside marriage; not to assign illegitimate children to their husbands; not to commit infanticide; not to steal; not to indulge in slander or scandal and generally to obey the law and principles of Islam.

These points were similarly prescribed for men, on the grounds that the Islamic Law treats a woman as a complementary part of human society with rights equitable to those of a man.

Islam regarded both man and woman as being created by God to rise to the full stature of the perfect human and proclaims that in God's eyes, there is no difference between a man and a woman. Each being is a precious soul.

All that makes a woman or a man stand out from the other is their excellence, in justice, piety, spiritual and ethical equalities. it is open to both men and women to achieve this type of distinction and to enjoin good and forbid evil.

?Whoever works a righteous deed male or female and is a believer, verily We will endow him with a good, pure life, and We shall pay them a recompense in proportion to the best of what they used to do.? Qur'an 16:97

There is no distinction of gender in according the reward for righteousness. A righteous one shall be rewarded. The above verse indicates that both men and women are both treated equally and both have their duties to perform.

Islam bestowed dignity, liberty and freedom on women. Therefore, many Muslim women throughout Islamic history have achieved the highest peak of true humanity and played an important role in Islamic State affairs; holding heated political and social debates with the Muslim rulers and their governors.

They were never meant to live segregated and isolated lives. On the contrary, Islam encouraged women to play their role in society and fuffil their duties in the community. They became scholars, warriors, political activists and writers in various fields of knowledge.

Ibn Sa'ad in his book 'AI-Tabaqat al-Kubra' has recorded a great number of women who transmitted traditions (Ahadith) from Prophet Mohammad. By the time of the Prophet's death, there were many women scholars.

Muslim women used to accompany the army to the war ftonts and help in nursing the wounded.

Nasibah bint K'ab took part in battles alongside the Prophet as a surgeon, and in the famous battle of Ohod when she noticed that the Prophet was surrounded by the enemy she rushed towards the Prophet to defend him and joined in the battle, fighting with a sword and shooting arrows until she was heavily wounded. During the battle of Yamamah she fought until she lost her hand.

Zeinab bint Ali the heroic sister of Imam al-Husain played a key role on the stage of political events of the Islamic State. Her name was connected with Islamic and human history in the tragedy of the baffle of Karbala, which historians unanimously agreed was one of the most decisive and important battles in Islamic history.

Certainly, no-one ignored the roles she played in this tragedy and some of them had called her 'The heroine of Karbala' because she was the first lady to appear in this serious event, treating the wounded, comforting the orphans and enraged that the corpses of the martyrs were abandoned on the sands of Karbala under the burning heat of the sun.

It is safe to say that her stand after the massacre of Karbala gave this tragedy a permanent place in history. Zeinab did not live long after this tragedy. In this short period of time she was able to inflame the grief in the Muslims souls for the cause of the martyrdom of Imam al-Husain.

Her sermons in Iraq after the massacre of Karbala and her stand in the court of the Umayyad government in Damascus changed the course of Islamic history and agitated the flames of the revolution against the Umayyad rulers which led to the collapse of the Umayyad dynasty.

Another example is Hamidah, the wife of Imam ja'far al-Sadiq who took care of the needy in Madina. No-one can pass through Islamic history without realising the impact which Nafisah bint al- Hasan has left on the scholars of her time and whose intellectual discourses were famous throughout Egypt at that time.

Imam al-Shafii was one of the most respected scholars who used to hear 'ahadith' traditions of the Prophet from her. On his death bed he requested Nafisah to pray over him.

After al-Shafi'i passed away the Muslims brought his corpse to her house and she prayed over him with a number of respected muslin women after Abu Yacoub al-Bouti prayed over him.

It must be borne in mind that Islam has given the woman the right to persue her education on the grounds that Prophet Mohammad made education incumbent on every Muslim male and female and said. 'Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.'

For fourteen centuries Islamic Law (shariah) has given women total financial independence, their right to own and dispose of property without surveillance or control by any man, to conduct business; trade and all transactions relating to profit and loss; including the execution of deeds and gifts without having to check with anyone. Whatever a woman earns is her own and she has complete control over that as mother, wife, sister or daughter.

It is quite clear that Islamic Law has given woman the right of inheritance and warned against depriving her of her shares in the inheritance of the family (Qur'an 4:19) and specifies that her dowry (mahr) should belong to her alone and never be taken by her husband (Qur'an 2:229, 4:19-21,25) unless offered by the woman as a free gift.

It is also obvious that under Islamic Law parents cannot force their daughters to marry against their will or without their consent, such a marriage is regarded as invalid.

In her marriage she should be protected by her husband and feel safe. Additionally, she has the right of retaining her maiden name. No matter how independently wealthy the wife may be, the husband should support her and provide her with the necessities of life to the best of his financial capacity. Also, in some cases, Islam says that if necessary the husband must employ a servant for his wife.

In Islam, the duties of house keeping, like cooking, cleaning, laundry, and even child rearing do not necessarily belong to the woman, and she can claim a salary from her husband in return for such work.

Under Islamic Law it is a criminal act to perpetuate any form of violence against women.

During the life of the Prophet, women came to him and complained about their husbands treatment towards them. He told them "They are not from us, those men who hit their wives."

Another source of information reported that Prophet Mohammad said: 'Verily, the best of you is the best to his women and 1 am the best of you to my women.' He has also stated: 'God the exalted is more kind to females than

When Khaula bint Walaba was disappointed at the conduct of her husband and reported that to the Prophet, her pleadings were heard by God and these verses were revealed to Prophet Mohammad: "God has heard the statement of the woman who pleads with you concerning her husband and complains to God and God hears your colloquy, For God hears and sees (all things).' Qur'an 58:1

Islam insists that the wife should live in peace, equality, justice and harmony with her husband and children.

"And from His signs is that He created for you spouses from amongst yourselves that you may find tranquillity with them and He has placed between you love and mercy. Verily in that are signs for those who ref7ect "" Qur'an 30:2'1

?And live with them (your wives) in kindness for if you take a dislike to them, it may be that you dislike a thing, and God brings about through it a great deal of good.? Qur'an 4:19

Islam also insists on a happy environment for the mother during her pregnancy on the grounds that the foetus is affected by his\her mother physically, psychologically and morally..

As a mother of the child she has the right to claim payment from her husband for breast feeding their baby if she chooses to do so. And above all, the husband cannot force his wife to conceive if she does not want to.

It is essential to remember that the husband should take an active part with the mother in the spiritual, physical and emotional development of their children.

Of course! Islam renders these affectionate acts for the woman and considers them good deeds and a way of approaching God.

It is quite clear that throughout the Message of Islam, Prophet Mohammad continued to stress the importance of women in society.

Moreover, on the occasiod of the farewell pilgrimage 'Hojjat al- Weda'. The Messenger Prophet Mohammad addressed Muslims and referred in his sermon to women?s status as one of the important issues they should always remember. He said "Observe your duty to God in respect to the women and treat them weIL?

The Qur'an also called for equal rights for women and men in divorce proceedings. "If a wife fears cruelty or desertion on her husband's part there is no blame on them if they arrange an amicable settlement between themselves and such settlement is best.? Qur'an 4:128

"But if they disagree (and must part) God will provide abundance for all from His all reaching bounty. For God is He that cares for all and is wise.? Qur?an 4:130

Of all the permitted acts, the one disliked most by God is divorce, as it has been reported by the Prophet.

Under Islamic Law there are three forms of marriage dissolution:

1- by death of the spouse.

2- By an act of one or both the parties.

3- By Judicial process.

In addition the judge (qadi) annuls a marriage on application of a wife who has some due cause for divorce, such as non- maintenance, abuse, desertion, infectious disease or impotence to name a few.

On one hand if Islam regards the right of divorce as exclusive to man, on the other hand he was strictly given instructions; advice, admonitions and warning not to misuse this right.

"When you divorce women, and they fulfil the term of the (Iddat), either take them back on equitable terms or set them free on equitable terms; But do not take them back to injure them (or) to take undue advantage; if anyone does that he wrongs his own soul Do not treat God's signs as a jest; but solemnly rehearse God's favours on you. And the fact that He sent down to you the Book and wisdom for your instruction and fear God, and know that god is well acquainted with all things..Qur'an 2:231

Note the warning to the divorcing husband against any cruelty, unjust or unfair treatment to the wife to be divorced. No harm or injury shall be done to her. Her right to the dower due to her, shall not be prejudiced and she shall not be harassed to forego any of her rights and she shall not be inconvenienced in the least.

When you divorce women, and they fulfil the term of their (Iddat). Do not prevent them from marrying their (former) husbands, if they mutually agree on equitable terms, this instruction is for all amongst you, who believe in God and the Last day. That is (the course making for) most virtue and purity amongst you, and God knows, and you know not"" Quean 2.232

This verse contains another point of law protecting the right of a woman exercising her decision independently. The relatives or the guardians or any authority on her behalf are warned against obstructing a divorced wife returning to her husband even after the period of waiting (Iddat) for a three month period, when both the wife and her husband after the divorce mutually agree to be reunited in a re~ wedlock. Under this sanction, even though the period of waiting might have elapsed, the former husband can marry the divorced wife. This is allowed after the first or second divorce (Talaq) only.

"A divorce is only permissible twice: after that the parties should either hold together on equitable terms or separate with kindness. It is not lawful for you (men) to take back any of your gifts (from your wives) except when both parties fear that they would be unable to keep the limits ordained by God. If you (judges) do indeed fear that they would be unable to keep the limits ordained, There is no blame on either of them If she gives something for her freedom. These are the limits ordained by God. So do not transgress the limits ordained by God Such persons wrong (themselves as well as others).' Quran 2.9'?9

It is quite obvious that it is not lawful for the husband to take or withhold anything out of what he has given or promised to give as 'Mahr' or dower to the wife.

the next part of the verse deals with 'Khala' or 'Mubarat' as it is called in law. Under this law, if the wife feels unable to put up with her husband any longer she may seek to be freed of the wedlock by retuning the dower if she has already received it or to forgo it, if it is still due to her and take 'Khala' divorce from the 'Hakim al-Shara' who is the authentic administrator of the law.

Two divorces followed by re-union are permissible; the third divorce is irrevocable. No re-union can take place until the woman legitimately marries another man and he legitimately divorces her.

"So if a husband divorces his wife (irrevocably), he cannot, after that re-many her until after she has married another husband and he has divorced her. In that case there is no blame on either of them, if they re-unite, provided they feel that they can keep the limits ordained by God Such are the limits ordained by God Which He makes plain to those who understand.' Quran 2:230

It is worth mentioning that the woman can stipulate certain conditions on her husband in the marriage contract. If the husband breaches any of these conditions then she has the full power to divorce him. It is permitted for Muslim women to enjoy this important right in order to protect themselves against mal- treatment, abuse, domestic violence, incompatibility of temperament, and the like.

According to the Islamic Law 'Shariah' the 'Qadi' judge can even compel the husband to divorce his wife in certain cases.

The Western poet and thinker Voltaire said: 'The Prophet Mohammad's legislation on marriage and divorce is the most noble and effective ever conceived, formulated, and enacted by any authority at any time in the world's history, religious, political or social?

With the invasion of the Mongols in 1200AD and the tribal movements into central Asia which spilled over into Islamic lands the Status of Woman and her role in society started to deteriorate in the East as the conqueror's cultural traditions were imposed in Islamic communities. This has given rise to confusion between what has been traditional in those communities and what is provided for in Islam.

This period of decline had an enormous effect on the rights of Muslim women which were bestowed on them by the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet, socially, politically and economically.

Since then, their legal rights were oppressed by cultural traditions and customs. They became unaware of their rights which the 'Shariah' granted them to protect themselves and save them from having to live in an unhappy or even hostile environment.

In the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century movements of reform which included both men and women began to reinforce the true original Islamic principals for equality in relation to education, social and political participation in which Islam asked women to play a role equal to that of men.

The position of Muslim women in early Islam is an exemplary one that should be studied and known by every woman whether she is a Muslim or non-Muslim; whether she lives in the East or the West. When Dr Homer of Sweden was asked by the United Nations in 1975 to study the Status of Women in the Arab countries; she said: "It is the Swedish woman who should demand her freedom, as the woman in the Arab countries has already reached the peak of her freedom under Islam."

Finally! For the sake of justice and truth no blame whatsoever should be placed on Islam when one finds a Muslim woman whose rights have been violated. The blame should be put on the shoulders of ignorance, tribal customs and cultural traditions and practices; the neglect and abandonment of Islamic Law by Muslims; and the neglect of religious precepts in political, social and financial institutions; This neglect has caused many tragedies upon Muslims in general and Muslim women in particular.


The Holy Qur'an :- Text, Translation commentary by: A Yusuf Ali , Maryland 1983

The Holy Qur'an :- Text, translation commentary by: S V Mir Ahmed Tarsile Qur'an New York 1988

The Meaning of the Glorious Qur'an Text and explanatory, translation by:

Marmaduke Pickthall Karachi (n.d)

Good News Bible:- Today's English, Version New York 1976

Ibn Hajr:- Ahmad b. Ali al-Isabah ?fi Tamyeez al-Sahabah? Beirut (n.d)

Ibn Majah :- Muhammad b. Yazid Sunan b. Majah Cairo 1975

AI-Harrani:- AI-Hassan b. Ali Tehaf al-Uqul an AI.? al Rasul ? Beirut 1974

AI-KuLaini Muhammad b. Y'aqub:- ?al-Usul min al-Kafi? Beirut 1985

AI-Tabari Muhammad b. jarir ?Tarikh al-Rusul wa?l muluk? Egypt 1960

AI-Faruqi Lamya :- ?Women Muslim Society & Islam,? Indianapohs 1988

AI-Tabatabai Muhammad Hussein :-?AI-Mar'ah fi al-islam? Beirut 1973

AI-Sharqawi Mahmoud :-?Ahl-al-Bait? Cairo (n.d)

Husayn G. :- ?Islamic Teachmgs? Karachi (n.d)

Lari mujtaba :- ?Western Civilisation Through Muslim Eyes? Guildford 1977

Razwy A. A. :- ?Khadija-tul-K-ubra? New York 1990

Dr.Shariati Ali :- ?Fatima is Fatima? Tehran 1980

AI-Balagh Foundation :- i. ?The Muslim Family? Tehran 1988

ii. ?The Islamic Hijab? Tehran 1994

Islamic Women's Welfare Council of Victoria :- ?Islam Opposes Violence Against Women? Victoria


Azami Muhammad:- ? Studies in Early Hadith? Indiana 1978
Amna said:
Btw, I should start showing some positive stuff on Islam... Given most of what is put in this thread have negativity conotations towards the Islam.

Dread man, i know you despise Islam, but man, what was with "beat her". ??? Did you mean to put that in b4 the quote??? or was it a mistake.. ??

One point I would like to make Amna is I dod not say ISLAM says to "beat" women. I quoted a lecturer from Jordanian University. So I would really appreciate it if you would please NOT put words into my mouth. I have never said I despise Islam hate Islam or wish ill on anyone because they are Islamic. I have asked you in another thread to please stop putting words into my mouth, yet you continue to do so. If you find the words "beat her" offensive then blame the Lecturer from Jordan, not me. I am not the one interpreting Islam but I am the one posting what people in authority are teaching and preaching.

I also find Christians who do similar things equally offensive, and if you have been here in FYM long enough, I think you would know this about me, however, you can assume all you want. I am respectfully asking you a second time to stop putting words into my mouth.

Dread has shown absolute respect for all people in this forum. He has never once suggested that he despises Islam.

Dread posts articles that make all of us think.
nbcrusader said:

Dread has shown absolute respect for all people in this forum. He has never once suggested that he despises Islam.

Dread posts articles that make all of us think.

I have to go to bat for my friend Dread. Nbcrusader is right on the money here. These guys are both gentlemen who respect others irregardless of gender, religion, race, nationality or political views. They are both conservatives; I am a liberal. They respect that I am a liberal and I respect that they are conservatives. They do respect that you are Moslem; they happen to be Christians--as am I. I respect my Moslem brothers and sisters. We are all exercising our democratic rights here.
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If over half my posts on this forum was dedicated to picking on Jewish scholors, and never once saying anything positive about Jewish people... then, how would you percieve me as???

Listen, I'M ALL FOR CRITICAL THINKING///..... However, if all the information you are going to provide is on negative topics on the people of the religion, without ever once saying something positive about the religion or the people... then i'm sorry, but I perceive that as a negativity...

Listen, I don't know anyone on this forum, I read what is on the posts.. I am not saying Dread is a bad person....

But my assumptions come from what i see...
Dread is trying to prove a point by showing all these negative aspects of Islam and their people... While at the same time he is supporting Sharon's massive wall and demolishin of Palestinian homes... Now, i think this is enough to assume that he despises my people.....
I'm glad he makes you think... He makes me think 2....

ps- As someone who is Muslim, I will be more sensitive on these topics.... Especially with his views on Israel-Palestine... so, plz understand...

dude, i shouldn't be on this forum to much.. i've got a life to deal with.

Amna, Dread, please lets not make assumptions. In recent times Dreadsox has made a few threads which pick out things many, or dare I say all of us, would find difficult to agree with. The assumptions one would make about this are indeed premature and cannot be based on fact if we know who Dreadsox really is. Not all of us know him, and we must remember that and not be too hasty in jumping to conclusions. Alternatively, it must always be remembered that if we are going to show an interest in one particular side of a debate, it is easy for the wrong impression to be had by those reading.

I dont think there is any particular criticism at play here by anyone in regards to the Islamic faith in general (excluding the extremes which are up for some scrutiny). There is though an interest in items picked out which many of us overall find difficult to be comfortable with. Threads like this one which highlight the attitude toward disobedient housewives and the like only represent so much. There are going to be those who don't follow this doctrine yet are a member of this religion and will be more frustrated and so on by this as it can be the fuel that leads to intolerance and even hatred.

We cannot be always responsible when our words are misinterpreted, but we need to keep in mind that our words can be and sometimes will be regardless. We need to keep in mind the positions of others in here so things dont get out of hand and we can maintain the respect everyone deserves.
Amna said:
If over half my posts on this forum was dedicated to picking on Jewish scholors, and never once saying anything positive about Jewish people... then, how would you percieve me as???

Listen, I'M ALL FOR CRITICAL THINKING///..... However, if all the information you are going to provide is on negative topics on the people of the religion, without ever once saying something positive about the religion or the people... then i'm sorry, but I perceive that as a negativity...

I have made over 3,000 posts most of which have been in FYM. half my posts have not been on this topic I assure you. I have posted many opinions on many issues.

Amna said:
Listen, I don't know anyone on this forum, I read what is on the posts.. I am not saying Dread is a bad person....

But my assumptions come from what i see...
Dread is trying to prove a point by showing all these negative aspects of Islam and their people... While at the same time he is supporting Sharon's massive wall and demolishin of Palestinian homes... Now, i think this is enough to assume that he despises my people.....
I'm glad he makes you think... He makes me think 2....

You are making assumptions. I have never said I despise your people. If my supporting Israels right to defend itself upsets you, I cannot do anything about that. I am not going to rehash the tunnel debate and the wall debate in this thread. I can only say I despise no one.

Amna said:
ps- As someone who is Muslim, I will be more sensitive on these topics.... Especially with his views on Israel-Palestine... so, plz understand...

dude, i shouldn't be on this forum to much.. i've got a life to deal with.


You can have your view, I respect that. I do not like you putting words into my mouth, or other posters mouths. I especially take issue with you saying that I or any other poster despise Palestinians because we may believe in a countries right to defend themselves.

You have much to offer to this forum and a unique perspective.

Maybe you have missed it in the past, but I have posted many articles going against radical christians as well. I am not oprejudiced against any one group. I find extremists of all typs offensive.
I'd started this reply a while before I hit submit but got distracted by the phone and a few other things. Amna and Dread, please try to keep in mind where assumptions are made and how the things we post are going to be perceived. You both make incredible contributions to this place and I would hate to see anyone leave under bad terms.
Thanks guys.
Amna, I know where you're coming from. These are tough times for Moslems in the U.S. Believe me, I get very angry at anti-Moslem or anti-Islamic remarks, and there have been too many of those. I think it is important for us Christians to respect our Moslem brothers and sisters; without this we will never have peace in the Middle East, and I hope there can be peace. I have some trouble with the Wahhabists, but since you are Shia I'd imagine you do too. Some Sunnis also have big time criticisms of the Wahhabists. After all these are the people who bombed the mosque in Iraq. I cannot think of a more anti-Islamic act than bombing a mosque! No one in this forum is anti-Islam. Dread mentioned two Moslems who said things he didn't like, the scholar in Jordan and the Malaysian guy who made that controversial speech at the meeting of the Moslem nations. As he pointed out he's also posted notes highly critical of radical Christians. This is one place I really don't think you need to be nervous about anti-Islamic sentiment. People are not prejudiced against Moslems here. We welcome a Moslem perspective on these very complicated issues. We can't solve these problems without imput from our Moslem brothers and sisters. Peace.

But, I think it is important for one to know, that when one posts views on how Islamic scholors view a situation, it is always important to write something to counter act that suggesting that this does not represent the whole of Islam... there are many people out there who know nothing of Islam, and for them to read such harsh quotes made by illegitimate (in my oppinion) scholars, and never say anything to make that reader aware that this does not represent Islam, is irresponsible...
I'm only saying this, because I want to educate my peers on Islam... I don't consider myself fully American or Pakistani, because I was raised in a very Islamic orientated house hold, and so, when I see such harsh quotes that taints my faith, I get overwhelmed, and I feel a need to give justice of representation of my faith.... but then again, i don't have enough time to spend on this forum....
whether it be Islam or Christianity, it is important to be aware of your readers... Thus, always give justice to the faith you are discussing....
Amna, I agree. Count me as one of many people who need to know more about Islam. I do know that it's a mistake to judge the whole religion on what one person says, no matter how "important" that person might be as in the case of the politicians from Malaysia. The local Moslem community is having an open house for Ramadan. The mosque is open for visits by appointment. The appointment is just so they will know how many are showing up. I haven't had time to call yet but I'm definitely going by to introduce myself and meet my local Moslem brothers and sisters. I think this is really cool.
We will only seek peace when we start to learn about eachother and accept eachother for who we are and our beliefs...

I went to a confrence about Peace in Arab-Israeli conflict; the guy who led the confrence, Aaron Miller, is the president of the Seeds of Peace program, which is a camp that brings together Israeli and Palestinian teens.. Thus, these kids are brought together, and the results have been amazing... All of them supposably leave the camp as being best friends towards eachother... :)

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