John Edwards is hot stuff

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The Fly
Nov 2, 2002
USA all the way
i can't help it. the accent reminds me of home (north carolina), the southern charm, the boyish face, the thick hair. he'd be the perfect VP! :drool: :wink:
Oh good, you don't mean him then :D There is some guy called John Edwards who claims he can speak to dead people and reunite the living with them. His show is called Crossing Over.
I'm quite relieved it is not him you mean!
I'm in the process of reading more about Edwards. He's from North Carolina so he could do really well in the South. He might get my vote---I haven't decided. So many of us really haven't that I don't believe the :censored: polls for a minute.
He may very well do well once Iowa and NH are over...if he can place in the top three in one of the two.

This guy Angela!

Not this Guy
U2andPolitix said:
i can't help it. the accent reminds me of home (north carolina), the southern charm, the boyish face, the thick hair. he'd be the perfect VP! :drool: :wink:

I love how this has nothing to do with the issues.

Re: Re: John Edwards is hot stuff

melon said:

I love how this has nothing to do with the issues.


I think all politicians should get the pixelated treatment. It would allow them more privacy and we wouldn't have people voting on looks. Think about the possibilities.
Re: Re: John Edwards is hot stuff

melon said:

I love how this has nothing to do with the issues.


i know it has nothing to do with the's just something i thought i'd throw out there. he's very good on the issues i have great respect for him.
I live in Iowa, so I got a chance to hear John Edwards speak in person recently. I was extremely impressed for reasons that have nothing to do with his good looks. He refrained from attacking the other Democratic hopefuls and simply focused on his vision for the country. He seemed very idealistic, but not to the point where he forgot about common sense.
My only wish is that he had a little more experience as a Senator.
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Angela Harlem said:
You dont mean John Edwards, the crossing over guy do you? :crack: God help you all if he is running.


that's what I thought this thread was about too until I remembered what board I was on :lmao:

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