It's officially #hmmmmm

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An Angel In Devil's Shoes
Jan 17, 2001
why are there two #1413's?

If we are going to have a numbering system, shouldn't it be accurate, or at least semi-accurate?


Who cares.

I say we just scramble up all the numbers.

I dont think anyone really gives a rats ass.
ABEL said:
why are there two #1413's?

If we are going to have a numbering system, shouldn't it be accurate, or at least semi-accurate?



Is this really a problem? Perhaps they posted at the same time...Maybe they both liked the number? Could it be that one of two didn't realize that the first #1413 was at the bottom of the page and just didn't see it?

I think you just needed something to talk about....:yes:
It is quite simple

Two of us were posting at the same time, thus we had used the same #. I tried to change mine to #1414 right away, but it wouldn't let me.

So there!
once I get over the fact no one cares I will reclaim the IO thrown
so there

ABEL said:
why are there two #1413's?

If we are going to have a numbering system, shouldn't it be accurate, or at least semi-accurate?





* pets ABEL, drools on her glasses and licks her toes

:der: ....der....der
:tongue:see...I knew y'all would be really bored and needed something to talk about when I was at work

YAY! Dimmy's back! :hug:
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