Its Official...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Well, I spend too little time on here... so... since I'm in the right place, someone recap for me all that's happened in the past week in 15.7 words or less. Do it now. :mad:
~unforgettableFOXfire~ said:
someone recap for me all that's happened in the past week in 15.7 words or less. Do it now. :mad:

U2 played Amsterdam it rocked they say though I wasn't there so how could it U2bonogirlgotmarried...

...sports and weather coming up

Ditto - I can't really get much done at work anymore:(

Work, shmork! Who cares? I know people say you need money, but money, shmoney! I know people say you need money to pay bills, but bills, shmills!
Bonochick said:

Work, shmork! Who cares? I know people say you need money, but money, shmoney! I know people say you need money to pay bills, but bills, shmills!

Hey you know Bill Shmills? He works in the office next door!!!!:wink: :wink: :wink: I couldn't resist

Hey Miss Bono Chick:dancing: :dancing:

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