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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA


on a side note...I didn't know what to expect opening this thread. Many ideas went through my head.:wave:

edited because I can't spell
Toey! :cute: :lol:

I wonder what she woulda thought if you'd actually turned on the shower while she was in there :ohmy:
She is seriously a freak. Water does not seem to bother her at all. When I do the dishes she sits on the counter right next to the sink and watches me. I even flicked some water on her and she just sat there :| She even steps in the sink when I'm done with the dishes.. just steps on the water, doesnt care. She's stepped in the bathroom sink too after I wash my hands :coocoo:

I dont think I could turn the shower on on her.. lol she would probly freak out then :lol:
That is one cooool cat... one that doesn't mind water is :cool:

Just make sure there's no furball clogging up the drain. :wink:
Aww, sounds like Zoey is shadowing her mommy :cute: Gawd I wish Pita would do cute things like that. :grumpy: lol I wonder what she would have done if you did turn the shower on. She might actually enjoy it :lol: Btw I swear that cat has opposable thumbs :up: :cute: heh heh

note to self: go out and buy one of those bath/shower mat thingies.
my aunt rescued her cat from the side of the road. she found marley (who is, in fact, larger than MY cat) on the highway covered in tar and mewing :(

but now he just ADORES her, and doesn't like anyone else. marley showers with her, he'll even sit on her neck as she washes her hair.

sooo...some cats are weird :D
Aww poor marley :( :hug:

Yeah, thumbs. I can take her thumb and move it all around :der: It's like its just hanging there.
My booboos like to sit on the other side of the shower glass and watch me when I shower. :crack: Then, Splick, if he misses me too much will just walk on into the shower and sit and the very end and watch me. Jarvis won't come into the shower bc he doesn't like water, but will sit on the bathmat right outside the shower and talk to me the whole time. :crazy:

-> WE NEED A KITTY CAT SMILIE ;) :kiss: :wave:
HelloAngel said:
My booboos

Zoey is my little boo boo :cute:

likes to sit on the other side of the shower glass and watch me when I shower. :crack:

Zoey does that too! :lol: And when I get out of the shower she has to stand RIGHT THERE in my way ... she wont even move when I come out :crack:
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