IT'S OFFICIAL #Personal Assistant

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Staff member
Nov 17, 2000
Cherry Lane
Due to the high level of activities I engage in everyday, I have decided that I need to hire a personal assistant to help me coordinate my affairs.

Please submit all applications to this thread. I will make my decision by the end of the week.

Thank you!
I would like to apply. Qualifications include being a little :coocoo: but :cool: and I know Ryan has a quite lovely bum :drool: among other things. So in conclusion: :wave: :happy: :coocoo:
That's not a very good application, meggie...though you are still in consideration. :hmm:
Name: John Doe

Sex: Still waiting for the right person.

Desired Position: General Assistant to the Assistant's Assistant's Feline

Salary Expectations: Expectations of endless Weetabix supplies and mini Bailey Bottles with velvet ribbons.

Education Yes..have that.

Most Notable Achievement: My beautiful collection of stolen post-it-notes which you are more than welcome to see and touch

Hours Available To Work: Any

Prefered Hours: 1:30-2:30pm Monday, Tuesday, and Friday

Do you have any special skills?: Telepathy..but yet to find a compatible human

Do you have a car?: A car..yes..a car that

Have you received any special awards of recognition?: Class Spelling Champion 1984, 85, 86

What would you like to be doing in ten years time: discovering an entity more perfect than sliced bread and reaping the benefits.

Sign Here: Leo
It's okay, meggie...imperfection is great cuz it makes me look better! :up:

)(odiaca, what the hell is Weetabix?!
Personally assisting, we can officially assist all personnels out of official threads personally. :angry:
I can't beat )(odica's application.

I only ask to be the assistant to BC's assistant. I could do assistancey type things. Like, fetch the weetabix, or be guarder of the post-its. Or, kepper of the house keys, stuff like that.

Please? i need a job. I can be paid in cereal or lactaid pills.

Lactaid :drool:
One time I was walking along the street and my trousers fell down. true Story. I should have been mortifified but I laughed. I did pull them up again before walking on though. I don't think anyone noticed. This is my application. I have nothing going for me, have many pairs of trousers that are too big for me, excpet for my trousers that are too big, thank you very much. :angry: :kiss:
That didnt make sense. The boy over there has chocolate. Be a nicens little boy and get me one too. Have you met the moocow? James Joyce? I know me niether.
I think BC should hire )(odiac, who will hire me, and I will hire Lara. Then I can hear the trouser stories.

But first we will train her to call them pants. PANTS.
no pants are pants like bloomers.......knickers whatveer you want to call them but to me they are pants.

I have a pair of trousers that are huge on me i tripped up on them today and nearly fell. I only dropped my faile which has pages jjust STUFFED into it they went everywhere my video fell then the earphones too this guy who was painting helped me lift them all up

He said I was quite the artist because I had doodles on like every page

But he carried them to a table for me I could have called him chuckles otherwise but he was nice.
im always bottom of the list this reminds me of school when everyone picked their friend to be on their team for netball. I had to throw the ball back and forth to the teacher one time.

Woof...I feel sick...

What would you suggest, if you were my personal assistant?

Yes, this is a test.

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