It's Official#Mobscene

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 13, 2000
The Q continuum
Be obscene
Be, be obscene
Be obscene, baby
Not heard

get ready to groan - it's the new Marilyn Manson song. (I really like the band, but it's fine with me if you guys want to bash)
i find marilyn manson facinating. i like watching or reading his interviews. he's really interesting and well spoken.

and as for his music, i like some of his songs. he's kind of a big weirdo but i don't care.

i read that interview he did in spin magazine. he does seem interesting, and crazy.
Wow! Those are much nicer reponses than what I was expecting. :)

I've always loved his music, and one of the reasons is because he is so well-spoken. He is a big weirdo! :lol: But a cool weirdo in my book.

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