It's Official # I need your help

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Rock n' Roll Doggie, FOB
Feb 2, 2002
Born under a bad sign with a blue moon in your eye
I just heard on the news today that my town has a severe road salt shortage, due to all the weather we have been having.

I know a lot of you keep salt on hand for eating brains and such.

Would someone be so kind as to send some salt to my town so we can have little patches of pavement when we drive like we used to?



pepper is a viable substitute.
Contact Cleveland. I have never seen so much salt on the sidewalks as they have there. They must have more than they need.

However, I can not and will not part with my salt. I :heart: salt.

Ahhh daisybean.... brilliant post!!!
We have too much salt. Every time it snows a quarter inch we have 2 inches of salt. they keep salting so we can get the same ammount of salt the next year.

Our cars are rusting faster than we can drive em. :mad:

TAKE SOME OF OURS!!!! :scream:
Hmm :hmm: I dont think I can spare any. :)

I dont have a square to spare!!! :lol: ok no one will get that
:wave: I totally got that!

:silent: Better yet, the actress that said that was Jamie Gertz! :reject:

I :heart: Seinfeld.
the toilet tissue one was about the ply and 2 ply right?

was that about sqaures too?

salt comes in squares
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