It's Official...I have no ideas!!!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Feb 8, 2001
on a country road...
:grumpy: So I was sitting here today and I realized that it's been months since I've done any fiction writing. I really feel like I should be doing something, but I have no ideas whatsoever. It's so frustrating!!!!!
i write poems and i went thru a long dry spell til last night. now im back to the same thing. not knowing what to write.
My brain hurts!

:hmm: Squirrels! :lol:

My cousin wrote a story about deer once...I remember that I totally loved it so I wrote a story pretty much exactly like it only with raccoons and she got mad at me (understandably so!)/
I like the way this is could develop the plotline to contain a couple of cross dressing squirrels on a long and perilous could peak into their love for compass readings, and for making music..make one a picollo player who acquired a stray bamboo dropped by an unlaiden swallow heading for the isle of man and constructed his instrument with basic tools and resources..he would later use it to busk for extra nuts along the way..the other squirrelvestite can be the comedy can talk of their journey through grass buttered acres and sunsets just over them hilly it "Some Like It Furry" and your on your way
I've always thought the most important element of boosting your motivation and shaping your inspiration is not to think too hard and force something to appear. Its not always the ideal route to take. I think with fiction as well because there are no templates or set rules to follow you are given a much bigger canvas to work on and in the same vein you have to be just as flexible when gathering ideas. Sometimes the best inspiration appears when you don't expect it to, you just have to be as open minded as you can when it does.

Hope it goes well wertsie :)
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:hmm: Ah, yes...Maybe the trick is to STOP thinkin' about it so much!

:lol: And if all else fails, there's the squirrel idea!
ACROB@T said:
I've always thought the most important element of boosting your motivation and shaping your inspiration is not to think too hard and force something to appear. Its not always the ideal route to take. I think with fiction as well because there are no templates or set rules to follow you are given a much bigger canvas to work on and in the same vein you have to be just as flexible when gathering ideas. Sometimes the best inspiration appears when you don't expect it to, you just have to be as open minded as you can when it does.

Hope it goes well wertsie :)

:up: Thanks! That's good advice! I know that that's the best way, but when I really WANT to write something it's hard!
write a story about what possesed these people to hang trees upside down.
When i was young i used to make up stories about married squirrels that lived under my front porch. :shifty: weird...
ACROB@T said:
I like the way this is could develop the plotline to contain a couple of cross dressing squirrels on a long and perilous could peak into their love for compass readings, and for making music..make one a picollo player who acquired a stray bamboo dropped by an unlaiden swallow heading for the isle of man and constructed his instrument with basic tools and resources..he would later use it to busk for extra nuts along the way..the other squirrelvestite can be the comedy can talk of their journey through grass buttered acres and sunsets just over them hilly it "Some Like It Furry" and your on your way

:lmao: x 800
jkayet said:
When i was young i used to make up stories about married squirrels that lived under my front porch. :shifty: weird...

See? This is why you and Acrob@t need to get married. GET IT TOGETHER, PEOPLE!!

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