It's Official - Fairfield County, CT...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Mar 29, 2005
Outside Providence
is the worst place to live in the United States. Period. End of story.

Endless amounts of traffic at at hours of the day, expensive everything (who the hell charges $13.50 for a shitty large cheese pizza?), no decent places to eat unless I want some trendy bistro crap, pizza places that slice it into about 20 squares rather than 8 pieces - are people here retarded or do the rich people prefer thier pizza that way? the list could go on and on

Why anyone would want to live here beyond me and I hate the fact that I'm stuck here for 4 years. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Headache in a Suitcase said:
you better watch out... there's some tough gangs on the mean streets of greenwich that may not like your taunts

Yeah, watch out for the Mean Street Possy. Don't let them fool ya w/ their Dockers slacks, snazzy sweaters, and gang names like Brad, Todd, and Hunter. They'll cut ya.
randhail said:
no decent places to eat unless I want some trendy bistro crap


Would you rather go to school miles away from anywhere (and I truly mean still have NYC and boston within 2-3 hours) with your only options being Taco Bell, McDonalds, Subway and McDonalds?

And who knew Fairfield County Community College was a four year college! ;)
The middle of nowhere is so appealing right now it's ridiculous - I would head to the mountains of northern New England in a heartbeat. The daily rat race is something I don't care to be a part of. Give me a place with real food at a decent price and I'm there.
Connecticut takes their pizza extremely seriously. You should thank them for only charging you $13.50 for a large cheese! :wink:
no, it's totally true. Connecticut, and especially New Haven, has the best pizza outside of Naples. and yes, Headache, before you even start, it's better than NYC pizza. so don't EVEN.

i recommend going to Pepe's.
Quit your bitching.

Seattle cracks me up. Everybody here drinks so much damn coffee but drives so slow - I just don't get it!

This just in from my friend who lives near New Haven:

New Haven does have the best pizza in the world. Sally’s and Pepe’s of Wooster Street. Hands down. You have to wait in line hours to get in.

So I guess that settles it.
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oh i'll even :shakesangryfist:

i believe it could be true though... i've had better pizza at a little place in commack, long island than i've ever had in the city. :shrug:

and i also find the "giant piece of penn station pizza" that everyone tends to rave about to be highly over-rated. anything tastes good when it's 4 in the morning and you're drunk off your ass.

i do think i've had pizza in new haven once, at some place near the residence inn marriott... but i do believe that was at 2 in the morning drunk off my ass, so yea... see above
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Headache in a Suitcase said:
anything tastes good when it's 4 in the morning and you're drunk off your ass.

yes, yes, this is absolutely true.

even uncooked ramen.

i mean ... that's what i heard ... i wouldn't actually know ... but this guy who lived in my dorm sophomore year said it was good ... and ... um ... yeah ...
Headache in a Suitcase said:


couldn't find a bowl or microwave wasn't working?

at the time, i probably couldn't have operated a microwave, let alone manuvered a bowl.

quite crunchy, though it softens when you swirl it around your mouth with beer.

or that's what this guy in my dorm said ...

Headache in a Suitcase said:
i'm actually attempting to go up into said fairfield county, ct tonight but the stupid metronorth train back doesn't leave till 5:30 in the mornin'

decisions decisions...

i drove down to FC yesterday and it took me 3 hours when it should only take 80 minutes :happy: merrit parkway :happy:

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