It's Official #1494

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Resident Photo Buff
Staff member
Sep 1, 2000
Somewhere in middle America
It's 8:30pm, and I'm reeeaally tired. As in I've-caught-myself-dozing-off-at-the-keyboard tired.

This is pathetic. Before I changed schedules, I stayed up to 2 or 3am (or later) all the time.

But then I was working 3:30pm to midnight shifts for 10 months. I guess it oughta take a while to get used to working 6:30am to 3:30pm. But still! I'm a night owl and I'm tired at 8 freaking 30 at night! Blargh!

*waits for second wind to kick in*

:silent:Money and power are the only reasons I switched to morning shifts. Well, plus I actually get out of work before sunset now
Diemen said:
It's 8:30pm, and I'm reeeaally tired. As in I've-caught-myself-dozing-off-at-the-keyboard tired.

This is pathetic. Before I changed schedules, I stayed up to 2 or 3am (or later) all the time.

But then I was working 3:30pm to midnight shifts for 10 months. I guess it oughta take a while to get used to working 6:30am to 3:30pm. But still! I'm a night owl and I'm tired at 8 freaking 30 at night! Blargh!

*waits for second wind to kick in*

:silent:Money and power are the only reasons I switched to morning shifts. Well, plus I actually get out of work before sunset now


Moolah=good reason to get up in the morning.
I got my second wind to be able to I'll need a third wind to do some studying!
my body hates me

I can't sleep in...I alwasy get up at 7:30am or 8

even if I go to bed at 2 or 3 in the morning I will not sleep past 9:00am

this is my lot
I never got my third wind. After I leave here and put some clothes on, I'll have to study.

Walkron is the Sleep In King. :lol:

My second wind is too strong. With a little help I stayed up till about 1:15 or so. And woke up a little over 4 hours later for work.

I'm going to take a nap now.
sometimes i can stay up til 4am in the morning. but lately its been 11:30, 12 midnight, that i've been going to sleep. it varies from week to week.
*feels nice and refreshed*

Naps are good, good things.

Except when you first wake up, see the clock saying 8:00, and think that it's tomorrow morning for a second.
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