Its for real official# I AM LONDON BOUND!!!!!

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ONE love, blood, life
May 20, 2002
Somewhere in NorCal
I AM GOING TO LONDON THIS SUMMER!!!!!!! I just found out like not even an hour ago. My buddy wants me to go with him when he goes over there for Spring Break but I cant afford it and so I am going to go over there this summer with him. He is only going there for like 6 days to map everything and to see if we will be able to get a place to live. I cant believe I will be in London for a whole summer maybe more!!!!!

Suggestions?? Good Advice???

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

yes I do realise that I have been wanting to go to Ireland first but I am willing to sidetrack that idea for awhile...
Yay!! I'll pm you...London is amazing, you'll love it - especially staying here for a while. Housing can be difficult to find - well affordable - :crack: but definitely possible!
Hope you have a great time!!! :)

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