It?s official Interferencers are...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Apr 2, 2001
in the jungle
amongst the nicest and dearest people I have ever met.

I don?t know what makes all of you so intelligent and serious and funny at the same time, but I really appreciate it.

I appreciate the wide variety of interests here. People have very good tastes, are intelligen6t and well rounded...and whatnot

cheers to all you people
deathzoomboy can cram one up his........._________

(fill in blank with appropriate termonology)
I have to agree that interferencer's are the coolest people. I've traded tons of CD's and videos that I have searched Ebay for and couldn't find and people here have been so willing to trade or just send me the stuff without anything in return. :hug: thanks everyone who has been so willing to share your stuff with me:D
interferencers are very cool and tend to have good taste in music...hanging around here unfortuantly makes me think that the rest of the planet likes good music and i get really pissed off when the radio plays crap and most people i talk to don't know what i'm talking about :shifty:

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