IO: Punctuation is your friend

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
should have.
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have

should have

I could HAVE married you! :love:
i have a friend who never texts using punctuation its so frustrating trying to read some of her message i get confused trying to dechiper it am i the only person who has friends like this
i have a friend who never texts using punctuation its so frustrating trying to read some of her message i get confused trying to dechiper it am i the only person who has friends like this

:crack: Have you ever told her this?

I really wonder if people who write like this do it on purpose or are just incredibly stupid or illiterate. :angry: Seriously, I can't read your shit if it's not properly punctuated!
i have a friend who never texts using punctuation its so frustrating trying to read some of her message i get confused trying to dechiper it am i the only person who has friends like this

trying to read texts without punctuation is indeed very frustrating i think you should notify her of this as it's just making your head go spin trying to understand what she means with her messages :wink:

I understand if you're saying something along the lines of "Verrrry tired!" to exaggerate the point, but it's usually just SO unnecessary!! :doh:

I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwww itttttsssssssss awfuuuuuuuuuulllll.

Seriously, I am a grammar snob. I hate lack of punctuation, and I absolutely loathe over-punctuation (specifically overuse of apostrophes). Sue me.
Lose/loose :|
i blame u2 for this on, at least on interference.

I want to take this thread, push it up against the wall, rip its clothes off, and make passionate love to it all night long. :love:

Here's something that I hate about message boards in general: A lot of people would do a better job of getting their point across, or just getting more people to read their posts, if they would simply break up long passages of text into paragraphs.

Why would anyone want to read one long, rambling, incoherent block of text?
should have.
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have

should have


A lot of people would do a better job of getting their point across, or just getting more people to read their posts, if they would simply break up long passages of text into paragraphs.

Why would anyone want to read one long, rambling, incoherent block of text?

Good point! :up:
Lose/loose :|

OMG yes. This one in particular annoys the shit out of me, and I see it all the time.

Lose - the opposite of win.

Loose - the opposite of tight.

It's not difficult, people. :angry:

Although I have to admit, I'm guilty of the whole should've would've thing from time to time. I know it's not correct, but on here I tend to type informally, the way I would speak, and when I speak, I often don't fully say "should have," it's more like "should've." I certainly wouldn't use it in more formal circumstances, though.
I want to take this thread, push it up against the wall, rip its clothes off, and make passionate love to it all night long. :love:

Here's something that I hate about message boards in general: A lot of people would do a better job of getting their point across, or just getting more people to read their posts, if they would simply break up long passages of text into paragraphs.

Why would anyone want to read one long, rambling, incoherent block of text?

but would have been more thread appropriate if you'd run it into one long, rambling, incoherent block of text.
also, what is up with using ellipses ... like that ...?

it looks very fucking stupid, especially when you use it to finish a sentence that only needs a full stop ...

I am guilty of this. It comes from MSN Messenger. People I talked to would always use it as a way of encouraging someone else to respond.

The two that piss me off:

accept (to receive) /except (to allow or pardon; to disbar)

affect (emotional) /effect (physical)

Although I have to admit, I'm guilty of the whole should've would've thing from time to time. I know it's not correct, but on here I tend to type informally, the way I would speak, and when I speak, I often don't fully say "should have," it's more like "should've." I certainly wouldn't use it in more formal circumstances, though.

I don't think it's the contraction that's a problem, VP. The problem is people who think it's "should of, would of, could of". Mistakes like this come from not reading books. These people learn the language orally and never see it written as "should have / would have / could have"

I am guilty of this. It comes from MSN Messenger. People I talked to would always use it as a way of encouraging someone else to respond.

affect (emotional) /effect (physical)

a) I occasionally use an ellipses if I find I'm rambling on or say something sort of embarassing, as a written "my voice trails off awkwardly here" sort of thing.

b) Now, I thought that affect was the verb and effect was the noun. Am I wrong?
- I was affected by his moving speech.
- The effect of his speech was that I cried.

My friend worked as a TA, and received hundreds of emails from students. You can't even begin to imagine the horror.
I teach high school. I can imagine the horror. :no:
Although I have to admit, I'm guilty of the whole should've would've thing from time to time. I know it's not correct, but on here I tend to type informally, the way I would speak, and when I speak, I often don't fully say "should have," it's more like "should've." I certainly wouldn't use it in more formal circumstances, though.

It's "should of" that drives me up the wall! What's wrong with "should've"? except that it's a bit informal. C'mon, that much should be accepted on message boards! :wink:

My friend worked as a TA, and received hundreds of emails from students. You can't even begin to imagine the horror.

I don't think it's the contraction that's a problem, VP. The problem is people who think it's "should of, would of, could of". Mistakes like this come from not reading books. These people learn the language orally and never see it written as "should have / would have / could have"

for the record, i was referring to should of, not should've. :)
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