IO... Now appearing in Headache's backyard

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Headache in a Suitcase

Site Team
Staff member
Jul 16, 2000
Opinions are my own.
i thought it was his backyard, dancing (or grabassing) martha, with a flaming squirrel, a human-cat with funky whiskers (they look like fish fins or something), u2, oscar myer weiner, and a subserviant chicken

in bed.
freud would say interesting things about what goes on in headache's "suitcase."
by the way, hugh jackman found your remote:


apparently you left it in the x-men mobile.
i'm not entirely sure what a foxtel is

i just picked a fight with my tv cable though...some reason i thought it would be a good idea to buy a 30 foot cable when i live in a small box. i won, but it almost got me.
IWasBored said:
i thought it was his backyard, dancing (or grabassing) martha, with a flaming squirrel, a human-cat with funky whiskers (they look like fish fins or something), u2, oscar myer weiner, and a subserviant chicken

in bed.

well said... well said indeed.

and hugh better give me my remote back :mad:
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