IO: my cat is pissed

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I Serve Larry's Stick
Jul 7, 2001
Whatta baby. He was mad at me for a while after leaving for college too. Well he's been used to me being at home again, following me like a dog wherever I go in the house etc. But lately he's been mad that I'm gone most of the day cos of my job. The other night, he just sat on my bed for hours, and when I would catch his eye he would give me the evil cat glare. I just got home, and I woke him up while talking on the phone. He's sprawled out on the recliner, and when I went up to him, he wouldn't even look at me. He would just look the other way and do the pissed off shaking the tail thing.

Maybe he needs a kitty-girlfriend:angry:

I had a realtor once who always refered to cats as "pussy cats."
2 or 3 times in a sentence, he even said "pussy cat food" and "pussy cat litter"

Blew my f'ing mind.
MrBrau1 said:
Maybe he needs a kick across the room.

Yknow what, with all due respect, your posts are rude and disrespectful. Do not joke about animal abuse please. Thank you.

Lady Lemon your cat is adorable. Maybe he does need a girlfriend :sexywink:
Yeah, that's after he's all stoned. :laugh: He loves to wrestle with the tub of catnip before I give him some.


Yep, shameless cat thread. :sexywink: I love him, but he has been being a brat. I wish I could get another, but mom would kick my butt. I need my own place again!
Sicy said:

Yknow what, with all due respect, your posts are rude and disrespectful. Do not joke about animal abuse please. Thank you.

Lady Lemon your cat is adorable. Maybe he does need a girlfriend :sexywink:

What? I think you're being too sensitive.
Those Cats are so cute. :cute:

Animal cruelty is terrible :down: Someone here got a little kitten and tortured it and left it at the door of the owners house, it was dead, they killed it. They were really distraught especially the little girl who owned the cat :(
when I saw the title of this thread I thought you meant that your cat was 'pissed' as in drunk...........


my old housemates cat used to have cat nip drops. He would suck them and then dribble for an hour or so without moving much, just kinda staggering around. Bless him.

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