IO: I can't wait to leave this Ma$$hole...

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ONE love, blood, life
Oct 2, 2000

I think I've had it with Massachusetts. Quite frankly, this state is seriously fucked up. The streets are so narrow in Boston that there is almost a constant traffic jam. The public transportation system is seriously ill-maintained. Sure, an occasional subway delay is bound to happen, but they are regular here. If I ever hear about a "switcher" or "signal" problem causing "significant delays" again, I think my blood pressure will go through the ceiling.

But is there an upside to this city? No. Rent is atrocious; it's statistically the city with the highest housing costs, and I would believe it. Why should I suffer through another bipolar New England winter when I can live in San Francisco for slightly less on housing costs? I have read that the middle class is escaping Massachusetts, and I would believe it. No one with any sort of love for themselves would stay here for their lifetime.

I've had it with the constant construction work.

I've had it with the constant traffic jams.

I've had it with the MBTA.

I've had it with the rental costs.

I've had it with the conservative Democrats.

I've had it...period.

I've been looking for a new place to live after I graduate. I've been looking at Toronto, thus far. I, at least, know a friendly face there. I wonder if I will enjoy that city better, because my track record with American cities and towns has not fared well, thus far. :|


I'm biased because I would like you to move to the west coast but I must admit that Toronto sounds very nice. Canadian cities are generally much better organized than American cities. And if you already know someone there that will help alot too.

Or if not Toronto then how about Vancouver? :hyper:
Screaming Flower said:
hey melon. move to chicago. :|


The last time I drove to Chicago (to see U2's Elevation Tour on Leg 3), I tried to find the nicer downtown region. I couldn't find how to drive into it, and, instead, encircled it, viewing the rusted out outer areas the entire time.


that's not so good. :|

i don't have a car so i don't really have that problem. :|

i could get lost in my own backyard, so if i can figure it out anyone can. :huh:
I'd suggest Orange County, but you may drop dead at the mere suggestion, and I don't want that to happen.

But at least it's warm out here. And really, you wouldn't have to worry about public transportation being delayed, because we have no public transportation to speak of!!
Boston looks well...cold. Very frigging cold.
And I love This Old House. What an accurate show! My God some people are nuts. The last series I watched had that woman who complained about the cost of double glazing (@ $200+ a window) then spent $60,000 on a home theatre.
If you go Canadian...I would agree with Calluna (everyone should ALWAYS agree with Calluna!). Vancouver. I can't remember if they have trains at all, but it seemed as if they have a decnt bus system. Otherwise, I think the temperatures would be warmer than Toronto, and the natural beauty of the Northwest (ocean AND mountains) is unbelievable.

Chicago is a great city too! In US terms, the public transit system is second only to NYC. I am sooo jealous of SchemingFlower not having a need for a car (most of the time). But the weather (same as Toronto and Detroit....but you are used to that), well, its the midwest.

:heart: seattle :heart:

I was there last year, and as soon as I arrived I decided I wanted to live there.

But then I also want to live in London and Dublin and Cornwall and Vancouver and Alaska

(although I only want to live in alaska cos I used to love northern exposure - I would expect it to be like that and I get the feeling it really wouldn't :mad: )

Oh, and I'd like to live in Scotland too. And Sydney. And Melbourne. And New Zealand.

:hmm: I bet I don't ever live in any of these places. I'll probably stay in Nottingham for the rest of my days :sigh: I like it here, but a change is as good as a rest.........
i'm going to boston in about 2 weeks (day trip) so i'll let you know how i feel about the city then. :wink:

i'd suggest to come here to memphis, but A. we have no fucking public transportation (ooh, the occasional bus in the city and burbs and a trolly that only is downtown on main street, what a fucking help) and B. it sucks. i'd post a huge rant but that's really for its own thread.

i can't suggest any of the places i used to live because i haven't visited them since i moved away, which is 10 years for the most recent. plus, as far as i know, the only places you'd want to live (florida, since you mentioned you hate the winters in MA) don't have public transportation either, and orlando has appartently become a shithole.

so i'll just shut up and say california sounds nice. :D
Come to Santa Fe. It's where all the smart, progressive people come when they get sick of city livin'. :sexywink:

And I can't believe San Francisco is cheaper than Boston...that can't be right, can it??

Looks like everyone wants a melon in their town. :wink:

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