IO: Google Earth is the biggest time-waster since SimCity

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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i had no idea what google earth was, so i, um...googled it.

holy crap. awesomest thing ever.
so far today, i have been to the Florida Keys; Tallin, Estonia; St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia; Cape Town, South Africa; and i tried, in vain, to retrace my trip through Morocco from Marakkesch to Zagora ... funny how the GIS gets less detailed the further into the desert one goes.


Cape Town looks fab, though.

so far today: Buenos Aires; Rio; back to Brussels where i found my old house but can't seem to locate the Grand Place because all the street names on GoogleEarth are in Flemish and i only (sort of) speak French. or used to only sort of speak French.


still, best city to "fly" around: Cape Town.
nevermind! just found it!


managed to spot "Rue de Antoine Dansaret" (or as Google sez, "Antoine Dansaretstraat") and just walked south a bit.

saeriously, we spent probably 20 or more looking for the great wall in china, but it wasn't where it was meant to be. has anyone seen it? it was mentioned as being hard to find in the thread in lem stand as well.

and i dont understand the sims. they dont do anything. i play it on ps2.


if you go to the major north american cities, all the downtowns are in 3-D so you can fly around, like, the Sears Tower or the Chrysler Buildling or the Washington Monument.

sooooooooooo much cooler than work.

i will try to find the GWo'C, Angela.
I started looking for places related to U2...
found Point Depot, Red Rocks Ampitheater, The Million Dollar Hotel and the Liquor Store...
I think that I found Bono's house, too...
It would be great if someone makes a tour with everything that is related to U2 (i.e. arenas, stadiums, family houses, records studios...)

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