IO: Bart Simpson

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Sicy posted an image of a cannoli in another thread, and it immediately reminded me of this episode:


"Now hang on here a minute...I'm president of the Anti Italian-American Defamation League...and this really burns my cannoli!!!"
Well, look at the wonders of the computer age now.
Wonders, Lisa, or blunders?
I think that was implied by what I said.
Implode, Lisa, or implode?
Mum, make him stop...
Great episode.

"Well, I did just finish a whole lamb...but I reckon I could take you to school."

God, season 10 was bad. The whole Mike Scully era was pretty fucked up, but there was always a handful of jokes per episode that were brilliant. I never stopped watching though, not until season 20. The Christmas episode they just did was pretty funny, a muppet version of Moe went down on Katy Perry and everything.
best to close your eyes and remember the good old days.

Come on kids, let's go home.
Dad, we are home.
That was fast.

Go apple!
Go orange!
Go banana!
Make way for grapefruit!
I think that the last season with a genuinely funny episode is seventeen. The show really loses its heart after about season eight, although it retains its comic edge through thirteen. Two through eight are absolute gold.
I may be alone, but I am a really, really big fan of season 1. I have no idea what that says about my humor, but I thought that season was wonderful.
i haven't got the faintest idea about seasons when it comes to The Simpsons. they've just shown repeats at 6pm every weeknight for like, ages. i don't think or know if they're in order.

the episode with Karl is one of my favourite early ones.
I myself am not an avid watcher of the show either, just a fan. I don't know much about the Mike Scully era or when the show went downhill.

But what I do know, is that you can tell if an episode occurred during Season 1.

The telltale sign is if you feel the need to kill yourself by the time the closing credits roll.
the episode with Karl is one of my favourite early ones.

Ha, Simpson & Deliah. I like it, but it stands out as perhaps the strangest Simpsons episode that I have ever seen. It must be based on a movie or book with which I am not familiar.

In terms of the progression of the show, the animation quality is a pretty accurate barometer of the season. It gets increasingly detailed as the seasons progress. I think that I read somewhere that the network actually threatened to cancel the show after the first few episodes if the animation did not improve.
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