IO: A Question

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 25, 2004
They say that dancing increases life expectancy, they say that dancing is the rhythmic precursor to sexual intercourse; yet they never say that dancing can cause coronary malfunctions or indeed spawn impotent lies.

Who are they and why do they say this?

I know who they are.
Dear GentlePoster - your answer lies within.....:drool:

ZeroDude said:
yet they never say that dancing can cause coronary malfunctions or indeed spawn impotent lies.

Who are they and why do they say this?

I know who they are.

You're incorrect. WASPs have been saying this for centuries now. You ever seen Footloose? Dancing is the work of Satan. DUH!
Re: Re: IO: A Question

UberBeaver said:

You're incorrect. WASPs have been saying this for centuries now. You ever seen Footloose? Dancing is the work of Satan. DUH!

Footloose was counterproductive. Such a liberal retelling of the bible stories did little to ease our collective pain.

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