IO: 2007

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you are what you is
Jul 5, 2000
what are your new years resolutions?

- take more time off work/become more of a slacker
- win the euromillions
- start my own band
- become twice as attractive
- go to gym more often. could hardly go less.
- grow back my hair
- write a book

it will be a busy year :up:
- learn to correctly opperate a car since I suck at driving
- get drum major again
- improve all my talents
- stress less
- get better grades
- pass my AP tests
- get good standarized test scores
- go to the gym more to fix my back
- be a better Christian
- be a better friend
- learn a new instrument
- control all the drama in my life
- become friends with my ex again (That'll take a miracle)

...and other stuff I'm forgetting.
-one of my biggest fears is not being prepared for the future financially. I know one can never know exactly what to plan for, but I know right now if something were to happen to me, I'd be screwed because I don't have enough money in the bank. that being said, one of my big things is to save more in general, and put more into retirement. not sure how to do that with my wedding coming but I'm damn sure gonna try.

-I started a few days before the new year so I wouldn't jinx myself, one of my goals is to lose a LOT of weight. I call it my 'wedding boot camp' since it looks like we're getting married in March '08. Why I waited to get serious until something big like this, is beyond me. I fear the health problems I could have down the road if I don't get healthier. I'm gonna rock 2007's socks off, one day at a time! :rockon:

-be a better sister and daughter. I always feel like I don't do enough for my family. maybe it's because they're all so far away :shrug:

-be more organized. I feel like I'm drowning in papers, receipts. I have a shredder and all, and I just never sit down and go through all this junk.
- stress less
- enjoy more
- spend more time with friends/family
- not let people get me down so easily
- exercise more
- rest more
Actually, my resolution should probably be to stop making jokes in regards to bringing sexy back. Although I still enjoy it, it's old.
I know I made some New Year resolutions during the New Year's party here. But the alcohol already made me forget them.

I guess they weren't that important then.


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