Introspect : Bono & Opera: Whither "The Fly?? *

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The Fly
Jul 26, 2000
By Debbie Kreuser

On Tuesday night, 27 May 2003, the world (especially U2 followers) witnessed another chapter in the brilliant life of the man (the poet, the prophet) we all know simply as Bono. What we saw unfold before our eyes was the "coming of age" of the man who had once told us that he could not sing!

From childhood, songs and sounds rich in emotion due to his father?s love of Opera music, had surrounded Bono. Although he would rebel against this music as a
teenager, opera left in Bono's heart a love and respect for music that had the power to move and to motivate - to stir the Soul (The Goal is....)

Through the years as U2 followers, we always knew that something was "different" about Bono as a rock singer. Even though he could "strut his stuff" and croon with the best of them (Mick Jagger, Steve Tyler, Anthony Kiedis, etc.) - there was always sincerity, a sense of purpose beneath the antics, which we clung to, which we clamored for. We hung onto Bono because somewhere we knew that he could help to save us from the indifference, the callousness in our world and point us the way home.

At the Pavarotti&Friends 2003 concert in Modena, Italy, Bono offered us all that he couldn?t leave behind - music. Music from his heart, and music from his soul. He offered it willingly, and unselfishly. It was unconditional love.


(Photo: REUTERS/Alessia Pierdomenico)

Yet stuck in his offerings of songs/psalms were words of rightful indignation to chastise the guilty, and to comfort the innocent among us. As a U2 follower of over two decades, I welcome this new phase of the musical and heartfelt journey of the man we all know and love as Bono.

Whatever he does, wherever he goes - I will follow!

(Even if that means I must say goodbye to The Fly!)
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