Interference's Favorite Movies

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elevation2u said:
such as?

gilbert grape always makes me cry

i've gotten teary eyed at random movies
such as in About Schmidt

Some of these make sense for crying, others not, but, here are some:

Field of Dreams (I used to cry at the end, now, it's so bad that I start crying when Doc Graham can't go back to being young again)

Schindler's List

Shawshank Redemption (When Red is on the bus, heading to Mexico to find Andy, that's when it starts)

Forrest Gump

Chariots of Fire (at the end, when Liddel is winning his medal, and you hear his own voice talking over the scene, very emotional)

The Natural (at the end...I cry at sports movies, it seems)

In America

Shogun (This is a miniseries, funeral scene towards the end gets me)

Midnight Express (Tears of Joy when he escapes)

The Right Stuff (no idea why but the end makes me cry)

And more.....
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Brooks' death always gets me :up:

I'm watching Jackie Brown right now and I'm loving it. I guess I'm a sucker for anything Tarantino puts out.
Yeah, Brooks dying is sad. But, Red getting out...and working up the guts to cross the border and find his friend.....aieeee, I'm welling up now typing about it!!!

Fucking dork = me.


Oh, Lila, I am nothing if not a dork, but, one could be much worse things.

Man, when Gump sees his kid for the first time, and wants to know if he's "stupid"'s tears ahoy for NSW/N'PW.
It's okay NSW, I cry at the very end of The Life Aquatic when Bill Murray cries in the submarine. Man, that always gets me.
I love the very end of that film, when they're all walking together and getting on the boat. I know so many people that dislike that movie, but, I enjoyed it.
It's my favorite Wes Anderson movie. :up:

The Buckaroo Bonzai ending is classic, now that's another gem lost through the sands of time.
No spoken words said:
I love the very end of that film, when they're all walking together and getting on the boat. I know so many people that dislike that movie, but, I enjoyed it.

I wanted to like it. But just... didn't :shrug:

Oh damn, I forgot one. Lost In Translation. :grumpy:
I loved Lost in Translation. On many levels. Been to Tokyo so I've experienced some of what they went through. I also appreciate in other ways. That one's right on the border of being in my Top 25. But, it does not make me cry. :)

And he sings my fave Costello song too. Damn. I may have to have a movie switched out :hmm:

ETA: Take out #25 JFK, and replace it with Lost In Translation.

Thanks :hi5:
No prob. :up:

Lost in Translation is Bill Murray's best performance to date, and I'm a huge Bill Murray fan.

To rank his Top 5 performances:

1. Bob Harris from 'Lost in Translation'
2. Steve Zissou from 'The Life Aquatic'
3. Dr. Peter Venkman from 'Ghostbusters'
4. Herman Blume from 'Rushmore'
5. Carl Spackler from 'Caddyshack'

I'm surprised I like "Somewhat Melancholic, But Still Awesome" Bill Murray over "Greatest Smartass of Our Time" Bill Murray.
What About Bob? Groundhog Day?
Caddyshack :love:
I left off Meatballs, Stripes, and even his amazing cameo in Little Shop of Horrors, too. It doesn't make me proud. :grumpy:
What is the Life Aquatic even about...for some reason I've avoided watching it, but I"m not sure why.
bono_212 said:
What is the Life Aquatic even about...for some reason I've avoided watching it, but I"m not sure why.

Bill Murray is an over-the-hill, Jacques Cousteau-esque oceanographer who's premiering his latest documentary at a film festival. During the filming of the doc, his partner is eaten by the Jaguar Shark, prompting Steve to declare his revenge on said shark. As he goes on the mission, he learns he may or may not have a son (Owen Wilson), argues with a pregnant reporter (Cate Blanchett), has a falling out with his wife (Anjelica Huston), steals from his rival Hennessy (Jeff Goldblum), and is attacked by pirates.

It's definitely worth the watch, plus, there are tons of David Bowie tunes. :up:

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