Interference Random Music Talk Part V: A Shuttlecock by any other name...

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Oh, okay. I didn't check the date of the upload, but just assumed so since it had the pullaway shot of the Crab at the end.

Still, reminds me of the Cockplay iPod commercial. Yikes.
Nice av, YLB. Glad to see it return.

Speaking of Cockplay: sorry, Laz, but "Lovers in Japan" is a very good song.

I will now turn in my hipster badge.
Thank you, and I am a fool.

I'll echo the "Lovers..." sentiment, too.
Lazarus: Elevating douchebaggery to new heights since November 2004.
It's like his Space Moon cabinet position, if he chooses to accept it.
Do you want me to order a pizza?

You think of everything.

It's like his Space Moon cabinet position, if he chooses to accept it.

I don't already have one?! I'm fed up with this world!

So I kind of reunited with this girl from high school this weekend, one with whom I always had this mutual, unspoken adoration. A few of my friends came down and she tagged along, apparently "sort of seeing, but not really" a guy I used to play baseball with for many years. He came down too. We had a few good moments the last two nights, culminating in her non-creepily telling me she loves me. Hmm. Obviously I think the whole thing is leaning toward the "not really" side. She looks phenomenal too. Forgot how much I cared about her. Updates as they become available.
Do we have stats on how much of The Room is dedicated to ridiculously long sex scenes? I'm convinced it's 10% of the film.
I'm still convinced the two Johnny/Lisa sex scenes use some (if not all) of the exact same shots.
You think of everything.

So I kind of reunited with this girl from high school this weekend, one with whom I always had this mutual, unspoken adoration. A few of my friends came down and she tagged along, apparently "sort of seeing, but not really" a guy I used to play baseball with for many years. He came down too. We had a few good moments the last two nights, culminating in her non-creepily telling me she loves me. Hmm. Obviously I think the whole thing is leaning toward the "not really" side. She looks phenomenal too. Forgot how much I cared about her. Updates as they become available.

You invited all my friends, good thinking!

Good stuff. I myself am curious about how things will change, seeing people from high school down the road.
It's crazy. Any time I go back to the Arlington area, I can't believe how some people are now. I feel like I'm in the top 5% of people from high school as far as doing well goes. Plus moving/going to college/leading a generally interesting life is a real pantie dropper for those girls who stay in the hometown.

I don't think I've ever been as happy about a hand-holding as I was last night. I'm almost 22 years old.
Well, what percentage of Texas graduates go to college? Like 6%? The top 5% isn't very impressive.
You invited all my friends, good thinking!

Good stuff. I myself am curious about how things will change, seeing people from high school down the road.

Yeah, same here, especially with certain people.

Don't pull an Annie Clark on this one.
I need to get all the details on her and my buddy. I'd hate to be the Mark to their Lisa/Johnny. Been down that road way, way too many times before.

I'm also watching Hot Rod and the Rangers right now. So life is good.
I need to get all the details on her and my buddy. I'd hate to be the Mark to their Lisa/Johnny. Been down that road way, way too many times before.

I'm also watching Hot Rod and the Rangers right now. So life is good.

Two's a lot, but three's a crowd!

It's Ebenezer Scrooge!
Underwear... what's that?

I watched the five seconds where he knocks him into the trashcan fifty times in a row. Oh my God.

I just found out that the TV edit for Samuel L. Jackson's "motherfuckin' snakes" line is: "I have had it with these monkey fighting snakes on this Monday through Friday plane!"

Though the more interesting thing is probably that a TV station is broadcasting Snakes on a Plane.
Attractive Women Whose Music I Enjoy Ranked by Attractiveness (along with their band, if you're unfamiliar)

1. Lisa Lobsinger (Broken Social Scene, Reverie Sound Review)
2. Annie Clark (St. Vincent)
3. Leslie Feist (Broken Social Scene, Feist)
4. Lisa Hannigan
5. Karen O (Yeah Yeah Yeahs)
6. Chan Marshall (Cat Power)
7. Stacy DuPree (Eisley)
8. Regina Spektor
9. Aleks Campesinos! (Los Campesinos!)
10. Natasha Khan (Bat for Lashes)
11. Sherri DuPree (Eisley)
12. Shara Worden (My Brightest Diamond)
13. Harriet Campesinos! (Los Campesinos!)
14. Maya Arulpragasam (M.I.A.)
15. Caroline Polachek (Chairlift)
16. Jenny Lewis
17. Meg White (come on)
18. Emily Haines (Metric, Broken Social Scene)
19. Sarah Neufeld (Arcade Fire)
20. Lily Allen
21. Lykke Li

156. Antony Hegarty

This is subject to change at a moment's notice.


Welcome to the top spot, Annie.

Let's throw Amber Coffman in at #7.

And yes, I realize I crossed the streams here. But the List Thread doesn't move at the speed of a flying shuttlecock and doesn't lend itself to substantial conversation.
I watched the five seconds where he knocks him into the trashcan fifty times in a row. Oh my God.

I just found out that the TV edit for Samuel L. Jackson's "motherfuckin' snakes" line is: "I have had it with these monkey fighting snakes on this Monday through Friday plane!"

Though the more interesting thing is probably that a TV station is broadcasting Snakes on a Plane.

That's arguably my favorite TV edit besides this gem from The Big Lebowski:

"You see what happens, Larry?! You see what happens when you mess with a stranger in the Alps?!"


Welcome to the top spot, Annie.

Let's throw Amber Coffman in at #7.

And yes, I realize I crossed the streams here. But the List Thread doesn't move at the speed of a flying shuttlecock and doesn't lend itself to substantial conversation.

I'd throw early '80s-era Debbie Harry in there. Good golly.
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