In times of pain....U2 is always there for me

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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The Fly
Jun 18, 2001
San Francisco
Hmmm...well i got word that a good friend of mine ended his life. It's really hard, painful and confusing. Life is too precious to be wasted. It should be fragrant, rooftop to the basement. I just want to thank U2 for always comforting me. Throughout my life, U2 has always been the music to help me thru difficult times, thru happy times, just about everything. They are the soundtrack to my life and I want to thank them. keep on rockin.


"The world is often a wicked place, when you look around, but it's also full of beauty...and beauty is the consolation prize really...and we just have to find more of it and we have to look for it in unexpected places...its not just in those fashion spreads,
that's not real beauty...There is beauty to be found in everyday things."
I'm sorry. That's horrible.

I'm glad you can find comfort in U2. It's true.. they're always there for you. Bad times, good times, sad times, happy times, there's always a perfect song for every occasion.

It's cold in the ground
But there's peace in the sound
Of the white and the black
Spilling over

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sorry about your friend and glad U2's music is there to comfort you through this.

The sad thing with the Christmas season is we see alot more suicides. Let's all try to be aware of that...
Originally posted by SailorJi_2:
Life is too precious to be wasted. It should be fragrant, rooftop to the basement.

Remember your own words. They will comfort and guide you.

One love, one life...
Give peace a chance!
Don't let the bastards grind you down!

Bono: I don't walk, I swagger! I sashayed once, but just once. It wasn't for me.
Yes, Christmas does tend to be a time when those who are depressed become more depressed and suicides increase. Depressed people feel insecure as Christmas is a time associated with joy and they see other people feeling happy while they are unable to be. I kind of understand that because I'm not having such a good time myself and all I can see in my school is everyone else happy while I feel very down about certain things that have happened to me and a bit isolated.
U2's music has always helped me when I have been down.

The song Stuck In A Moment... is particularly relevant to the topic of depression and suicide. It is just so uplifting in a genuine way with a beautiful melody and lyrics. My favourite bit is in the video at the end when The Edge gives Bono his hand and picks him up. It symbolises the need for friendship and human support for one another.

As for myself, I am going to try my best to make the most of Christmas even though I do feel a bit down.
The thing to remember if you are feeling down, particularly at Christmas time, is that "it's just a moment this time will pass."
i am sorry for your loss Sailor Ji_2, i experienced the same thing a couple of years ago just after new years and it is very tough to watch for the families and friends involved.
So much pain...I'm so sorry...

"Midnight is where the day begins..."
Sorry about your friend

I'll second that about U2. They have helped me through some really hard times, it is also through them that I have made my best and most reliable friends. I also would like to thank U2. Thank you without you I wouldn't be here now

Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry, thank you for my life
I am truly grateful to you and could never repay you if I spend my whole life trying. God bless you all

[This message has been edited by UV2001 (edited 12-15-2001).]
Originally posted by SailorJi_2:
They are the soundtrack to my life and I want to thank them. keep on rockin.

Yup, through good and bad they are there. That's what is so amazing about them.

Sorry about your friend. I've been through similar situations. I know it's not easy, and there is probably nothing I can say that can comfort you. Surround yourself with your close friends and family. Take time to grieve and forgive. It's ok whatever you are feeling, even if it's anger. I know that is hard to do sometimes. I wish you the best
Very sorry to hear that, Sailor.

I know what you mean about U2's music's some powerful stuff...


"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
Thats really horrible, terribly sorry to hear about it.
Yeah, you know you could have lost a loved one in February, and hopefully the pain will have subsided by November, but then when the holidays come around again - BAM! It all comes flooding back.

And yes, U2 is the soundtrack of my life too, pretty much. They take me away from my pain for a little while.
Heck, i even found U2's music in an emergency room!!!

Look...look what you've done to me...You've made me poor and infamous, and I thank you...

My name is MISS MACPHISTO...I'm tired and i want to go HOME...

"Well you tell...Bonovista,that i said hello and that my codename is Belleview" - Bono before opening night of Anaheim Elevation concert

[This message has been edited by Miss MacPhisto (edited 12-15-2001).]
im so very sorry about your friend - it is truely tragic, but what you say about u2 is so true, especiall ATYCLB - it has given me such strength this year during some difficult times. We have so much to be grateful for - imagine a world without U2 - how would you be !!!!

hopr you are feeling better soon. I will say a prayer for your friend



coca cola, football, radio, radio, radio, radio
SailorJi, i know you have had a fair deal to do with this site even though your post counts are low and I always founf you to be a very creative soul.
Im terribly sorry for your loss, I know what its like to lose someone, but to lose them that way must be extremely hard.
If you ever need anyone to talk to u can email me at

Hugs to you
THANK YOU everybody for your support! Times are tough....but you've got to walk on and also take all that you can't leave behind. My friend was a U2 lover as well and also shared my passion for radiohead. We went to radiohead together at shoreline in CA and that was awesome! thank you everybody

"The world is often a wicked place, when you look around, but it's also full of beauty...and beauty is the consolation prize really...and we just have to find more of it and we have to look for it in unexpected places...its not just in those fashion spreads,
that's not real beauty...There is beauty to be found in everyday things."

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