I'm not impressed by...

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ONE love, blood, life
Jul 6, 2000

Okay...I can give coldplay kudos for sort of creating a little sub-genre.
and though I like them alright...I do not like this new genre.


cos of bands like Pilate who sound like a watered down coldplay-lite. it sounds so blatenly derivative...and worst..it's derivative of a band that only has two albums out
and I'm also not impressed by hawksley workman
he has steadily declined...and now Lover/Fighter is released
his worst album of all
i don't hate either.

though i'm not highly impressed.

but matchbox twenty, as i'm sure you'll agree, is where it's at these days. :sexywink:
I don't hate them

they make me feel so....blah

now...matchbox 20
can you say...inspirational?
Thomas said it was the expectations of listeners that drove the band to create the most average music possible.
I thought pilate had potential... but they strayed, and put on the most listless and uninspiring live show of all time. Even still, Stabilo is on the top of my lameass list.
You know I'm sensitive about my undescended man area.


heartfelt regards,

hey geddy,

out of curiousity, are either of your parents rats? or...or...LAME? ?!

Both are active members of the alliance party.



today's tom sawyer
Well I've never heard of Pilate, but they sure sound pretty ordinary alright. I think it's a little sad if Coldplay are really responsible for their own sub-sub-genre, cause I rather like Coldplay.

I think the more toxic legacy is the Muse sub-sub genre (Radiohead's the Bends is the starting and ending point). Thoughts of a dying athiest, indeed.
see...I'm more of the opinion that, while Muse are certainly derived from bends-era radiohead
they are more like a Queen for mellodramatic, 'angst-ridden', mastabatory teenagers
and i'm of the opinion that i no longer can offer a valid contribution since i know rats ass about mewuuz.
The first thing I said when my brother played a Pilate song for me was that they reminded me a little bit of Coldplay. But not in a good way. :|
score! you know my alley, girl!

at any rate..I do like the muse.
though absolution is the worst yet, I guess

everyone needs their guilty pleasures
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Pilate are okay, but they're not going to last. I think the Coldplay phase will die out in a couple of years (unless Coldplay modify their sound, perhaps). But the current style definitely won't last.

I do like that one song of Pilate's though...can't quite remember the name..."Into Your Hideout," maybe?
Yes, the Queen comparison is valid. But I can't miss the chance to put up my pet theory that if you listen to Muse's debut album, every second track is directly inspired by the tune to 'A Day in the Life'.

So it's sort of Queen-inspired wank rock with a touch of Radiohead and a dash of the Beatles, all put in a blender and mixed with vaguely socio-political lyrics.

So who likes The Music?
I think Pilate is shit and I've seen them live unfortunately (they were the opening act) and I don't ever recall seeing a band who so obviously felt it was a drag to be on the stage.
no offense k, but who doesn't like jet? their fresh sound-stylings make the world go 'round in zoorock's and everyone elses head.

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