I'm afraid to dream it all up again

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Rock n' Roll Doggie, FOB
Feb 2, 2002
Born under a bad sign with a blue moon in your eye
Okay when I got out of school, I could not find any jobs in my field (advertising/PR). So to make ends meet, I what was supposed to be a short term job as a waitress.....

Fast Foward four years

Not that I don't love my job, but I want to change jobs, but I'm too afraid that since my "skills" are rusty, people won't want to hire me. However, I no longer want to do what I am doing now, spinning my wheels and essentially going no where career wise. I'm afraid to take that first step into something new.


Your taking steps that make you feel dizzy
Then you learn to like the way it feels

The Mouth Moves in Mysterious Ways


Just go for it! If your skills are rusty, start at entry level in your chosen field and work your way up. You are still way young enough so do it now before you wake up at 30 or 40 wondering why you didn't. Change is scary but I've done it and I'm the biggest chicken in the world!
Originally posted by oktobergirl:
do it NOW before you wait any longer.


yea. what she said.

When life hands you a lemon, say "Oh yeah, I like lemons. What else you got?" --Henry Rollins
Do it. Especially since you have the choice!

Right now I'm getting shoved into dreaming it all up again and the more I think about it the more confused I am. I want to become a more peaceful, tolerating person...and I want to study better and not procrastinate and know what I want to do when i get to college and someday figure out who I am in the scheme of things and what role God has to me. But for now I'll have to suck it up and think only of the antebellum era...stupid studying...

I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel so I learned to touch
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you

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