If you could go back and change something in your life- what would you change?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Oct 31, 2001
maze of your imagination, where the streets have n
Well what would you change or keep the same?
Would have done better last semester. Would have been a better dancer when I was young. WOuld have told the guy I like that I liked him (wait...this can still happen...)
I regret not telling this girl that i love her. Now i have another opportunity with her, and i am feeling chicken about it, but i am forcing myself to do it.

"Yep...Silver and Gold!!!" - Bono

We'll Shine Like Stars In The Summer Nights...
well I'm not old enough to have big regrets yet but I'd have to say that I would have been good in H.S. so that I could've stayed instead of getting home schooling.

However I wouldn't have changed making fun of my math teacher.

See, people they don't understand
No, girlfriends, they can't understand
Your Grandsons, they won't understand
On top of this, I ain't ever gonna understand...
well...i get the feeling this is the kind of answer a lot of people give....but, i wouldn't change anything. there are lots of things i'd like to change, opportunities i missed or bad experiences i wish i could erase. but i always think that if you start looking back and wishing you had done something differently, then it becomes too easy to get caught up in the past and into those feelings that "if only i'd..." or "think where i'd be now if...".
and from that it's too easy to stop living for the life that's ahead of you instead of the life you've already lived. it's too easy to think that your future won't be what you want because your past wasn't what you want. and we have to believe that we never know what's around the corner and we should live our lives in anticipation of that rather than in thinking about how it could have been.

that said, i'd like to change today so i didn't fall down and spend my afternoon at the hospital instead of taking an exam which i'll now have to re-take in my summer vacation
and i'd like to regain the ability to type with both hands because this post has taken me about half an hour to type!
Originally posted by NicaMom:
Not really, I'm pretty happy with my life.

Although I kind of regret letting go of Bono's arm over a year ago.

I'd regret that too...! I feel for you.

See, people they don't understand
No, girlfriends, they can't understand
Your Grandsons, they won't understand
On top of this, I ain't ever gonna understand...
I regret taking so long to find The Underground tube Station last night in London - if I'd only 5 mintues earlier, I wouldn't have got mugged. ah well

Watch More TV, ITs your world you can change it, taste is the enemy of art, Every thing you know if wrong, mock the devil, and he will flee from thee
Originally posted by NShaik:
I regret taking so long to find The Underground tube Station last night in London - if I'd only 5 mintues earlier, I wouldn't have got mugged. ah well

oh, i'm sorry that happened to you. i hope you're okay. take care.
Originally posted by NShaik:
I regret taking so long to find The Underground tube Station last night in London - if I'd only 5 mintues earlier, I wouldn't have got mugged. ah well

Geez..I hope you're okay!!
Now my story seems nothing compared to yours...I just regret never lining up for the Heart at any of the 4 shows I went to last year...especially the one for Vegas..with Eddie Vedder there and all...grrr..
Missed opportunities...

But I hope you are okay...
I might have gone to college. Except that I hate school. I hate studying. I hate lectures. I hate early classes. I sucked at school. And even after 4 years I still wouldn't have known what to major in, or what I wanted to be when I grew up. I mean, it's now 20 years later and I STILL don't know!!!

I also wish I would have been more into music and learned some type of instrument (guitar? piano) and a foreign language too...
i regret not moving to connecticut (okay, the chance never came up but i could've anyway) ... haw!!!

awaken all those whispers in the dusty shadow of a passing favour...
Originally posted by ericb:
I would have gone to a different college than the one I have been going to. Biggest mistake of my life.

DITTO! Fuck you Loyola. Grrrrr.

Keepin it krunk...

honestly? i would have gome to the pop mart show i was invited to but turned down because it was on a school night in high school and i didnt think my parents would let me go. what kind of idiot was i?


It doesn't matter what songs we sing. I'm a drummer. Chicks dig me. - Larry
Well... I can't think of anything I would change. Wow, I really can't. Good or bad, all that I have done has made me me.

*Perhaps I wish I had stayed backstage with my friend Michelle at London 3, because they met Larry after I left. Shit.
*And if I had had the ability to make Bono turn around that night outside the Clarence I would have done that. But instead we got to stare at his back for a couple minutes while he was three feet away signing other people's autographs. Ugh
But these are all pretty trivial things.
Um, on the U2 side...I would have jumped onstage with Larry the night he gave me his stick and taken him home with me, stick and all.

Seriously, though, I would have stayed in college.

Cut out the poetry
Let's hit the main artery
No time for a tourniquet
Let the colour's all run out of me
I would've been born in Ireland, March 1960, and my name would have been Alison Stewart

"Love is a verb..."
I would have NOT bought Madonna tickets in 1993 had I know that it would have then caused my parents to not allow me to go to ZOOTV

and yes Madonna sucked bigtime

I unforunately have a few other regrets and one that Im terrifed will turn into a major life altering regret hanging above my head now.
I can't go back in time so there's no point getting upset about the other things.
I would go back into my mother's womb and change my sex to female.

It is the only way I could possibly love U2 more than I already do.


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