I want to tell my son the truth, but...

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usually 1 out of 100 times I guess I sorta look like him (altough once, when my hair was longer, someone stopped me to tell me I looked like a taller, thinner Bono).
But if you saw me on street here in NYC you'd probably be like "Outta my way nerd!"

You're a nerd, too??

...last Halloween he went around the neighborhood as Buzz Lightyear, but before we left the house he wanted me to dress up too.

Some quick thinking and I went as Bono.


Every so often, he'll be looking through a magazine and every time he sees Bono, he goes "Dada!"

I tell him it's Bono but he insists it's Daddy...

What to do? :)

:ohmy: That haircut suits you!

My attempt (2002)

:lmao: you look awesome, i love that you have adoring fans in the pic.
You're a nerd, too??


I like to think so :D
Big fan of the sci fi (BSG, Lost, Firefly) and I have been known to read the occasional comic or two

I feel like I should post another picture to show that the Bono-ness was a fluke...a 1 in 10 chance...
^ Oh wow, you're even wearing Armani's, if I'm not mistaken! Gorgeous!! :flirt:

Those are Armanis actually
My wife got them for me as a b-day present a couple of years back
She said since I was always buy crap sunglasses, why not have a nice pair

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