I Walk The Line Tribute Show

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Sheryl Crow looked like a deer caught in the headlights! I agree, it's a shame Coldplay couldn't have made an appearence. I rather liked their cover of Ring of Fire on their current tour.
what the hell is dennis quaid wearing?

edit to say something at least slightly relevant...
I hope U2 plays soon, I have to leave at 8:45.
Til Kingdom Come would be good, but I don't think there's any original material being played anyway. Collaborations, obviously, count because of The Wanderer.

The sad thing about Til Kingdom Come was Cash was scheduled to go into the studio and record vocals for it a week after his death.
So as if the Ring Of Fire cover wasn't bad enough, this I Walk The Line is equally shitty.

Kid Rock :mad:
Offensively bad. Way to neuter the lyrics...

At least they played it, though. It's something, even if it did turn my stomach.
i thought the lyrics were great. no problem here at all. they sounded awesome. the only negative i could see was the edges vocals after bono would sing "i went wondering". it kind of reminded me of a song from the 50s. other than that it was awesome. bono sounded great!
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